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Guest Mstremt

Posting Your Opinions

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Greetings all,

As you know, I'm new to Emtbravo but I'm far from a newbie when it comes to fire/ems. I try to respect the rules set up by Emtbravo for this board, I try not to slam or be obnoxious or rude to anybody on this board.

However, during the last couple months I have noticed other people not being as kind as I. There have been replies to posts that slam people or other peoples apparatus such as a reply to a post regarding Fairviews ladder 1 the post read " It's a KME" Posted, I feel to reply a question of why the rig was out of service. I feel that comment was in poor taste, and while people do have the right to their personal opinions, I would like to caution others that ;while their opinions are theirs, which they have a right too. Words and or thoughts represented in them might negitively impact how your corps,squad,or department is view by others. Especially, if you hold a high ranking position in it. Thank you.

Happy Holidays,


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I feel that comment was humourus, and I got a laugh from it. I don't think (or hope not, at least) anybody would judge anyone based on what apparatus they like. If anybody feels that this board will be taken to a more personal level, (which I hope it won't), you are welcome to change your username to something more stealthy,EMAIL me for further details. In addition, you also have the option of being steath when posting.

Additionally, just a reminder. Some discussions will get heated. Bashing of anybody or any department WILL NOT be tolerated here. The option always exists to shut down or limit posting on this board if that becomes a problem, so I ask the members and moderators to make sure this does not happen so everyone can continue to enjoy these boards.

You are always welcome to stand up for what you believe in. Post your OPINIONS, jus as long as its done so CONSTRUCTIVELY.

Also, Membership is completly voluntary. Anybody wishing to participate does so at their own risk (and benefit).

Thank you.

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Constructive Vs. Bashing:

Bashing: "Department X's ladder sucks" "We Hate Them" "He is an idiot" etc etc

Constructive-" I dont like department X's Ladder because..........I feel that................" " I wouldve done this differently, this is how"

Humor is acceptable when done with care and discretion.


"I" represents you.

"we" represents a group

Just some things to keep in mind.

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