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The Changing of Topic Titles By EMTBravo Staff

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Although we realize it annoys a certain few, on occasion and only when absolutely neccesary, we do change the topic titles of theads. Mainly, this is done to make the topic title more descriptive to the topic at hand, making browsing and searching the forums easier for all.

If we didn't edit some topic titles, we'd have a million threads with vague titles like "Look at this...", "What is this?" or "Wow", etc. Also, Incident Alert titles are edited because they are not in proper format.

Remeber to keep your topic titles descriptive, with proper spelling and grammar (no topic titles in all CAPS, etc) and there shouldn't be an issue.

As with all our policies, this was put into place to make it a better forum for all member. Always feel free contact me, via email, at my EMAIL address, if you have any questions, concerns, compliments or suggestions regarding this forum.


-Seth G.

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