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Brewster- MV Into House 4/18/09

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Time: 16:07

Location: 201 7 fields lane in reed farm complex

Frequency: 46.38 46.26 154.370

Units Operating: Brewster Fire,Brewster Ambulance,NYSP

Weather Conditions: Sunny with a light breeze

Description Of Incident: 2 car PIAA one car into a house with possible entrapment

Reporters: texastom791

Writer: texastom791

16:07 Brewster fire brewster ambulance medice for dispatched to a 2 car piaa with one car into a house and possible entrapment and possible structual damage

16:10 Croton falls rescue and batt 13 dispatched

16:13 11-1-1 on location one car into the house checking for stuctual damage

16:14 11-2-5 11-6-2 on location

16:16 medic 4 on location putnam 9-1-1 reports Rescue 28 responding

16:19 11-4-2 on location

16:21 11-5-1 on location

17:20 Brewster ambulance and medic 4 requested back to the scene for Seizures

18:20 Brewster Fire and Croton Falls fire in service

Edited by Truck4

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