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Arlington & LaGrange (Dutchess) - Water Emergency - 6/21/09

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Date: 6/21/09

Time: 10:45

Location: Wappigners Creek

Frequency: Dispatch, Response, Command, Firegrounds 5&6

Units Operating: Arlington Fire District, LaGrange Fire Department

Weather Conditions: Cloudy, 66F

Description Of Incident: Person was in a canoe, overturned and is now going downstream unable to stop, headed for the waterfall at Red Oaks Mill

Writer: citystation1848

10:54| 47-55 & 32-4 are standing by at Romca Road, just before the Waterfall to try and intercept anyone coming down.

10:59| 32-18 will be standing by at Mulligans

11:01| 47-2 advising 32-4 that at his location there is a bend, and they should be able to pick him up on the current side of the bend.

11:02| 47-2 advising 911 that they setup two spots upstream, one catch point and a meander in the stream where we'll attempt to catch him. Requesting to know if there is an update on the location of the person, 911 advises police have lost visual.

11:05| 911 contacting Arlington Command, suggesting they possibly try setting up by the smaller stream not too far away from the produce farm. AFD command advises that they're location is just a tad north of where they are now.

11:07| 32-71 is advising 32-4 that they are set up on Mill rd, command is asking if they have safety equipment for personnel with them. 71 advises it just arrived.

11:08| 911 advising individual was wearing a blue jacket, orange life jacket, canoe was orange with yellow paddles. LaGrange command advised they spoke with a kayaker in the area, he said he didn't see anything and he did go far downstream. 47-2 just wanting to confirm what kind of vessel it was.

11:11| Arlington command advising subject has been found. Returning all Arlington equipment.

11:12| Command advising LaGrange 47-55 will be evaluating subject. Arlington can secure.

Edited by citystation1848

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