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EMTBravo-Your Knowledge Helping Others: An EMTBravo Update

1 post in this topic Knowledge Helping Others-An EMTBravo Update


As you may have noticed, we’ve introduced a new slogan for this site. “Your Knowledge Helping Others”

We feel that the new slogan represents what we try hard to make the site about. There are a lot of members of this forum who just browse and read, and have knowledge but don’t contribute. We are looking to improve the amount of knowledge shared on the forum, and encourage more members to join in and post. We’d like to see more members posting lessons learned, training opportunities, experience with new equipment, new apparatus deliveries, safety tips and advice, war stories, etc. We hope the new slogan will continue to remind members to share their knowledge.

Over the next several months, we will be implementing some changes to improve the perception of the forum. We realize that there are some people who don’t like this forum or don’t understand what it’s about or what a great potential tool it can be. We’re going to be looking to our members to help in verifying the information posted, and make sure that every relevant piece of information, is posted. We will also try and make the site easier to use, and improve our help section and features.

As staff, we’re going to continue to moderate this forum to keep it on the right track, and fight the never ending battle with the “keyboard commandoes” and those wishing to incite conflict. Often, it’s impossible for us to please these members, no matter what we do. We want to keep this forum positive, constructive, and respectful, and some just don’t care about that. We want members to treat each other with respect as our primary principle. We will be re-writing the rules so that they are clearer and easier to understand. We’re going to look at ways to be more transparent so that members understand what we do and why. We’re going to look to address the many misconceptions that people have about this site and reach out to more members about the site and the changes. We are going to give members more chance to give feedback, and help us keep the site aligned.

I’d also like to give kudos to the staff of this site. They are the ones who keep this site running every day, and are largely unappreciated. There is a LOT that goes on “behind the scenes” that members sometimes don’t understand, and these guys do a great job interacting with members and trying hard to keep the vision of EMTBravo on track. They also provide a tremendous amount of operational support, since most of my time is spent doing administrative tasks related to the site. If it wasn’t for them, I don’t think I would be able to keep the site online.

As for the future of EMTBravo.COM, 3.0 is currently in development. Originally scheduled for a Fall 2009 date, we have pushed back the beta launch to Winter/Spring of 2010 as we continue the research and development phase. We hope the new will breathe new life into that portion of the site.

In November of this year, these forums will celebrate our 7th year online and we are proud of all we’ve accomplished. I don’t like to boast, but this site has really done some great things and created a new avenue of communication that previously did not exist, and has helped a lot of people out, despite what some people may think.

Also, as a reminder, this site runs on revenue generated from donations from our members. Donations are always welcomed, appreciated, and needed, and can be made at:

Thanks for your time

-Seth G.

EMTBravo Founder and CEO


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