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Yonkers- Police Car MVA 12-12-09

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Date: 12-12-09

Time: 0358hrs

Location: Yonkers Ave X Fox Terr. I/A/O Dunwoodie GC

Units Operating: YPD ESU, 2nd, 3rd 4th PCT, WCPD; YFD E-307, L-73, R-1, Safety, B-1; Stat Flight; Empress EMS Medic-35, Medic-37, Medic-38, Tac-7, Supervisor 304

Weather Conditions: Dry Cold

Description Of Incident: MVC Head-on high speed (Civilian Vehicle vs. Yonkers Police Radio Car) While proceeding to Jacobi Hospital with Empress Medic-35 (which was transporting a trauma from an unrelated incident)the on-coming vehicle reportedly crossed the double yellow line narrowly missing the Ambulance and striking the YPD Vehicle. Both PO's transported to Jacobi Hosp., the civilian vehicle required extensive extrication and the occupant was eventualy transported to WMC by air.

Writer: 305

0358hrs- R/C 403 struck by a civilian vehicle. Req. units forthwidth.

0405hrs- ESU Truck 4 extricating (1) entrapted Police Officer.

0410hrs- YFD putting tools into operation on civilian vehicle for driver pinned. (2) possible injured passengers fled vehicle.

0415hrs- (2) PO's enroute to Jacobi by Empress with WCPD escort. Stat Flight req'd for suspect. YPD req. additional WCPD units for assistance. No YPD units available ciywide.

0430hrs- All YFD and ESU units operating on civilian vehicle. AI requested.

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