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FDNY to spend $10 million for safety/training

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The Fire Department vowed to spend $10 million on safety training and equipment after two of New York's Bravest were forced to leap to their deaths from a burning building last month.

The cash will go toward ropes, harnesses and training to "provide every firefighter on the job with the equipment they need," said Fire Department Commissioner Nicholas Scoppetta at a promotion yesterday for 35 FDNY veterans.

The department was roundly criticized after six firefighters — who had been battling a ferocious blaze in The Bronx — were faced with a grim choice of either leaping from a four-story window or burning to death.

The jump killed FDNY Lt. Curtis Meyran and Firefighter John Bellew and four others suffered serious injuries.

Typical administrative move - wait for the tragedy, then do what you can to prevent a reoccurance. I hate it when people have to get hurt or killed before the importance of safety equipment is realized. Fire Chiefs and those pushing for new, safer equipment aren't doing it just to kill time, they are doing it for a reason!!!

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It's also a TYPICAL FDNY move. Reactive instead of proactive. The ropes should never have been taken away in the first place.

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