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Shoutbox Posting Guide

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A few points to help with using the Shoutbox. The Shoutbox is set up to give a 'heads up' for an incident or highly notable event and is temporary. It's for members who are on EMTBravo and can be updated almost immediately to something happening at that time. It is not meant to replace the Incident Alerts, but rather an advance notice to an incident. There are only 10 or so lines to the shoutbox. Once a shout is gone, it's gone.

When using the Shoutbox, please consider:

-Updating 'heads up' shouts. If you put up a shout for a reported structure fire, make sure you follow up the confirmed job with an IA or another shout stating that there is no fire. The Shoutbox is great for giving advance notice for a job, but has to be updated.

-If you post a shout for a confirmed job, don't drop a dozen update shouts. Start an Incident Alert. There are only so many lines to the shoutbox.

-Please follow the IA guidelines for posting incidents when using the shoutbox.

-Major traffic alerts or serious weather conditions with an imminent impact are good for the Shoutbox

Special thanks to everybody who contributes to the Incident Alert section. It is one of the most viewed sections of this site.

Thanks guys!


CHIEFPHIL, 2231* and x4093k like this

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I'm bumping this thread up.

Some members, especially our younger ones, don't seem to want to abide by staff requests. Please read the message above. If you don't like it, don't post in the shoutbox.

If you post in the Shoutbox regardless of the above, then the Shoutbox privledge will be removed.



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Please review these guidelines for use of the shoutbox.

It is NOT an on-line scanner feed for all jobs. It is a means of giving a "heads-up" for a significant or noteworthy job. Please DO NOT post every MVA, smells and bells or other day to day responses.

Thank you!

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