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Derby - Fatal Fire - 3/10

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Date: 3/10/2010

Time: approx 02:00

Location: 196 derby ave

Frequency: multiple

Units Operating: Derby FD, kilo 9, Derby PD, Ansonia FD/EMS, Shelton EMS, VEMS.

Weather Conditions: clear

Description Of Incident:

Derby FD dispatched to box alarm ??? around 01:30-02:00. first arriving units found heavy smoke showing and confirmed working structure fire. mutual aid from Ansonia with an engine. I was working Shelton EMS and didn't hear all the initial transmissions, but I believe initial interior communications reported people trapped upstairs. Derby FD requested one additional ambulance from Ansonia to cover. 4Kilo9 transported first victim in cardiac arrest right away. additional ambulance from shelton to the scene. Ansonia ambulance transported one victim with smoke inhalation. lines were stretched and crews operated on the second floor. roof operations vented and additional search teams located pets who had expired. Shelton EMS 2Victor15 requested their Rehab vehicle 1Victor21 to the scene for supplies. Crews knocked fire down and worked extensive overhaul. 4Kilo9's patient succumb to injuries and was pronounced despite their best efforts. second patient transported by Ansonia survived. 2 pets were also lost in the fire. No Firefighter injuries.

feel free to PM me with more details.

Derby Fatal Fire



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