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Newtown, CT - W/F - 5/9/10

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Date: 5/9/10

Time: 20:50

Location: 40 Chestnut Hill Road x of Berkshire Road (Route 34)

Frequency: 154.1225 DPL-156

Units Operating: Sandy Hook Fire, Newtown H & L, United Fire Company of Botsford, Dodgingtown Fire CO., Hawelyville Fire Co., Stevenson Fire Company (Town of Monroe) for a tanker

Weather Conditions: Clear, windy

Description Of Incident: Multiple calls for a working structure fire in the area of Chestnut Hill Road.

20:55 - Unit 401 (Sandy Hook) reporting fully involved structure with an appartment separate from the main home. Calling for additional tankers.

20:57 - CL&P enroute to scene, Southbury FD (Engine 4) dispatched for coverage at Sandy Hook HQ.

21:02 - Engine 1 (Newtown H & L) to set up water supply at hole. Quint 440 to set up in front of the building. Tanker 9 (Sandy Hook) & Tanker 559 (Botsford) to dump and run at the pond (didn't catch set up location).

21:10 - Dump site at lower end of Chestnut Hill Raod and Route 34, Southbury FD Tanker 11 to dump site.

21:13 - Water supply established. Tankers to go to Old Bridge Road for fill site.

21:17 - Engine 1 reporting supply established and starting to fill tankers.

21:18 - Command reporting fire knocked down at this time. Command requesting to activate the Auxiliary for rehab.

21:28 - CL&P on scene.

21:34 - CL&P cut power to building, command going to release some tankers from the scene.

Reporter & Writer: IzzyEng4

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