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West Haven, CT - 3rd Alarm - 8/22/10

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Date: 08/22/2010

Time: 10:17

Location: 309 Park Street (Crosses of Savin and Campbell Avenues.)

Frequency: 453.800 (Med ops coordination on Med 8 - 463.125 with C-MED New Haven)

Units Operating: West Haven E-21, T-22, E-23, E24, E-25, T-26, R- 27, West Shore E-31, Q-33, Allingtown E-2, T-1, AMR for ambulance and paramedic.

Description Of Incident: Heavy fire in a 3 wood with exposure problems, fire throughout the structure with the exception of the basement, 5 lines in operations, trucks are opening up. Second alarm transmitted upon arrival with a third alarm following closely after.

10:44 - Command ordering evacuation of the building, WH-ERS transmitting evacuation tones.

10:46 - Setting up aerial master streams, command confirming all firefighters out before operations commencing, PAR being conducted.

11:18 - Members were allowed to re-enter the building, knocked down fire on first floor, went to work opening up second floor however fireworks began lighting off on third floor, evacuation re-instated and aerial master streams placed back into operation.

Writer: IzzyEng4

Note 8/23/10 - The fire was placed under control at 12:02 pm. Aproxiately around 7pm West Haven Fire Department (First District) was recalled to the scene for a rekindle. The radio traffic during teh inital call sounded like it was a stubborn fire to attack.

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