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PD Carrying Oxygen - Regulations Question

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So then this begs the question. Do all the PDs that carry Oxygen have MD authority to do so? They aren't DOH certified vehicles so how do they meet any requirements to carry oxygen?

(Provoking thought here, not debate.)

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I thought any person qualified to administer oxygen (minimum first-reponder level) and work for a first responder agency could carry oxygen.

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So then this begs the question. Do all the PDs that carry Oxygen have MD authority to do so? They aren't DOH certified vehicles so how do they meet any requirements to carry oxygen?

(Provoking thought here, not debate.)

If they are also EMTs then the offline protocol for O2 administration should take effect. I am not sure if they are operating under a Medical Direction but since in NYS one can be an EMT without being affiliated with a FD/PD/EMS agency then I am assuming a certified EMT would not need medical direction of the given service area to administer 02. I am assuming this is also why in some states affiliation is required to ensure that medical controls and direction are adhered by, followed and applicable to only one specific area of service.

Edited by bvfdjc316

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