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Veterns Day November 11th

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November 11th is Veterens Day. A day that we Thank our Military, Past and Present, for all their sacrafices they have given to us. We need to remember that "FREEDOM Does NOT Come FREE". Many have paid the ultimate Sacrafice. Others are living with the scares in their daly lives.

I had the Honor of having a friend who had recieved "The Navy Cross". One of Our Country's Highest Medals. He never talked about it. He lived in a Nursing home where nobody went to see him. Not even his own family. Yet he had recieved one of the Highest Medals in Our Country. His name was John McDonald and he passed away last year.

This Christmas when you are making out your Christmas Cards, make out a few extra for our injuried troops. Send them to:

A Recovering American Soldier

c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center

6900 Georgia Ave. N.W.

Washington, D.C.


And for a few sites dedicated to Our Country's Military, go to: and

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