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New Enormous Omelet Breakfast from BK

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A BIG breakfast at Burger King

Chain debuts Enormous Omelet Sandwich with more calories, fat than Whopper.

March 28, 2005: 12:38 PM EST  

NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Burger King has unveiled a new breakfast sandwich that's a huge bet not everyone is dieting.

The No. 2 fast food chain debuted its Enormous Omelet Sandwich Monday. The sandwich has one sausage patty, two eggs, two American cheese slices and three strips of bacon.

That works out to 730 calories and 47 grams of fat -- more than a Whopper burger, which the Burger King Web site said has 700 calories and 42 grams of fat.

While the new breakfast sandwich goes against the trend at some competitors to offer healthier fare, some analysts were quoted as saying the new sandwich is likely to be a sales success.

"The critics will still label it food p***," Sherri Daye Scott, editor at fast-food magazine QSR, told USA Today, which first reported the story. "But the average male fast-food customer does not have a problem with this."

Scott was right -- the new breakfast sandwich was quickly criticized due to health concerns.

"Eating like this is a step on the way to a heart attack," Fred Pescatore, author of The Hamptons Diet told the newspaper. "It's irresponsible."

Morgan Spurlock, who ridiculed McDonald's in the documentary film "Super Size Me," told the paper that Burger King's new breakfast sandwich, "should come with a $5-off coupon for your first angioplasty."

Still, the paper said the new offering could also make Burger King more of a player in the breakfast market, where USA Today reports it is way behind McDonald's (Research).

The new sandwich comes about four months after Hardee's also bucked the "health trend" in fast food restaurants by offering a burger it dubbed the "Monster Thickburger," with 1,400 calories and 107 grams of fat. (For more on the monster burger, click here).

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Would you like a side of Breakfast with that Fat?...... :roll: #-o

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I can hear my arteries clogging just thinking about it.

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