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Guest Flyboy92

Law Enforcement and Color Vision

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I've always been curious as to the affect of being "color blind" and trying to become a police officer. Example: Is it along the lines of someone pulling an object out and mistaking it for a weapon? or because a stolen vehicle reported the color might be mistaken? I have a very mild deficency and Im curious if thats an immediate disqualifier or as to what tests are available at the medical exam and if they only offer one, are alternative exams accepted by New York State?


Be safe out there

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Your best bet is to consult the human resources or civil service office for the jurisdiction where you're seeking employment. They can tell you exactly what all the requirements are and what your options will be for color vision issues.

All I know for sure is that you can be disqualified for color blindness.

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In order to be truly "color blind," you'd actually have to see in shades of gray since the term is actually a misnomer. Rather, if you are having difficulty with those little books with the hidden numbers (as I do), then you are what my eye doctor calls "color sensitive." I went through this with both my current job and when I was an applicant with the NYPD, and both agencies required me to take what is called the Farnsworth D-15 Exam. (NYPD actually administered it right there in the medical, whereas the agency I work for now made me go out to a specialist who conducted the exam. In both instances, although I couldn't see the book, I was able to complete the alternative exam successfully.) The Farnsworth Exam consists of 15 colored pastels which must be placed in order as the colors change throughout the spectrum. I do believe that the Farnsworth Exam and the Ischihara Exam (the book with the hidden numbers) are the only two exams that are used to detect colorblindness in applicants; however, it would be a good idea to contact either the hiring agency or Civil Service to get their take on the situation.

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