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Posing As Someone You're Not And Departmental Affiliation

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Because of the live nature of the discussions on this community, it is not possible for us to review and/or confirm the accuracy or validity of a member or message before it is posted. If you believe that someone has violated our User Guidelines or you have spotted content that may otherwise require attention please hit the "Report Post" button on the lower left side of the post box. You can also report a specific member in by hitting "Report Member" in their profile. Please include a brief description of what you believe is wrong. Notification is voluntary and anonymous, but in no case should a user respond to a situation personally, thereby aggravating the situation further. Responding to a violation in an inflammatory manner is a violation in itself and will result in appropriate action.

If your screename affiliates you with a department, please be careful with what you post. As social media is a rather new concept, many departments don't understand it and/or properly handle it so it is a positive aspect. Since they don't have written bylaws, as a result, many departments are censoring members, even going so far as to tell them not to use this forum at all. I understand that some departments don't want certain internal information released, but to completly censor members from saying anything about an unrelated subject or public information is wrong. In most cases, these people are officers or Commisioners who, for some reason, think that they are not accountable to the public and they don't want their "authority" questioned, even if it is public knowledge, and this extends to taxpayers as mentioned. This is why MEMBERS of a department who use social media should be involved in creating a written social media use policy, that is fair to both the department and member, and doesn't exclude them from particpating in forums like this. Also, many commisioners and others don't understand this new online world, and view it as uneccesary or evil, but it is our jobs to educate them. We are also different then Facebook and Twitter, we've been here way before them, and this, the original type of social media, shouldn't be placed in the same category.

With that said, when you create your screename, profile, etc, don't affiliate or imply affiliation with any department if you are not affilated with that department, or are no longer affiliated (retirees, life members, etc are exempt). To change your screenname if you wish, please use our contact system via the top menu links to request a change.

However, do not let this discourage you from posting. This is a situation that applies to only a fraction of members amd departments. There are departments and officers/commisioners that are fully supportive of this site.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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