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Golden's Bridge-Drowning 8/18/11

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Time: 13:41

Location: 55 Todd Road Golden's Bridge

Frequency: 46.26, Fire 13, EMS 13, Various NYSP Frequencies

Units Operating: GBFD 2141, 2142, R-25, R-24; LVAC; WEMS; NYSP; Lewisboro PD

Weather Conditions: Sunny, Clear

Description Of Incident: Possible Drowning in a Swimming Pool. Body extricated from pool by 2141, 2144, and a NYSP Trooper. No resuscitative efforts were made due to extensive rigor mortise. DOA.

Reporters: RES24CUE

Writer: RES24CUE

13:41: Golden's Bridge Fire Department, LVAC, 45M3 Dispatched for a reported drowning, possible DOA

13:42: 2141 Responding.

13:43: 2142 Responding.

13:44: Rescue 25 Responding.

13:45: 2141 On-Scene.

13:46: 2141 reporting that he's going in the water, someone in the bottom of the pool. 2142 to take command.

13:47: Rescue 25 and 2144 On Location.

13:48: 2142 requests a dispatch for Rescue 24 to respond to the scene.

13:49: Golden's Bridge Re-dispatched for Rescue 24 to the scene.

13:51: 2144 Reports that the victim has been removed from the water by GBFD and NYSP. Rigor Mortise has set in. Confirmed DOA victim pronounced by WEMS Paramedic.

13:52: 2142 Requests NYSP Investigation Team and Medical Examiner to the Scene.

13:54: 2142 on Location.

13:55: Rescue 24 Responding.

13:58: Rescue 24 on Location.

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