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Growing too fast?

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This isn't a bash towards the company I work for, but more of a curiosity to others opinions. I've been working for Acadian Ambulance (Part of the overal Acadian Companies) for almost 2 years. I previously worked for StatCare EMS for about a month prior to being bought out. And I believe about 3-6 months prior to StatCare they aquired Priority One, another local service in my area. Then again just after a year they aquired Central Texas EMS and here just the other week, NorthStar (which based in Humble and parts of Dallas). Most of the buyouts result in Acadian having Sole Providership of said area.

This is a topic of discussion ALOT at our company both on the truck, and on the company's Intranet. Alot of employees are happy about it due to us being an ESOP company, but others tend to wonder if the growth is too fast. I can see many advantages, one being working for a company you know isn't going anywhere anytime soon and if you work it right you can get a damn good retirement (some guys are 10-15 years in with retirement looking in the VERY comfortable millions). Others being that in a company this big you feel like a number....expendable and replaceable.

But in that aspect I feel with the rapid growth the company falls behind on alot of innovation. Acadian being a Louisian based company has spread RAPIDLY in Texas in the last 6 years but hasn't done much to catch up. Prime example is most of our reports are still on paper. We have to right the report then transfer all of it to computer either from the trucks (permenantly mounted) MDT, or at the station after shift (mostly all of the company does street corner posting for the whole shift, no station posting.) And others being is protocols that in NUMEROUS conversations with Paramedics from other companies say our protocols are outdated and weak. Acadian had no protocols for Intermediates till last year after buying out StatCare (5 years after entering Texas, granted I can't remember if Louisiana recognizes EMT-I or not.) which required the Intermediates to operate at basic level. Granted we supposedly have had a great increase in Cardiac Arrest saves from around 14% to 27% due to our newly refined CPR-HD which I can say does work pretty well from experience, and some other protocol changes this year have added some other nice bits, (metoprolol).

Just like anyone anywhere I have days where I wanna scream in rage, and I have days where I'm having a great time at work. I have days where I wanna question everything, and days where it all makes sense.

So I ask how some of you feel. Do you feel Acadian is growing too fast and needs to slow down, catch up then move forward or whatever else you may think. Personally I wish they'd slow down some and use some budget to get everything caught up.

Edited by BCFire05
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