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Guest DFFD227

Fairview responding...

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Some times when I hear fairview dispatched to a call I would hear the dispatcher saysing: "Rescue 3 and Engine 175, your investigation is at BLAH street". They never say the nature..whats the investigation?

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I would guess it would be a smoke,odor,or CO investigation........or maybe they are also private eyes,or maybe they don't want anybody knowing what the investigation is, LOL

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More information is given out on 33.96 and distrcitwide, Fairview does not want to use airtime on 46.26 for investigations where explaining the type is not neccasary because it is non serious or non emergent.

Alot of Fairviews calls are "Customer Care",i.e. plumbing etc..... which is part of Fairviews extensive prevention/public relations campaign.

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i often hear these types of calls and i know fairview pretty well, but as a member of a neighboring department i wonder how they decide what responds to what alarms.. as you have said 33.96 give more information, but even still ems calls get the rescue and a engine while at times investigations get only the rescue, even on some occasions just the rescue responds to a automatic alarm, i understand its dangerious sending 2 engs a rescue and a truck to a store with common alarm activations. the danger is more trucks on the road responding lights and sierns and thus it can endanger more people, but i just hope one day the rescue doesn;t pull up alone to a working fire.

As i know FFD's ladder is out of service and with the loaner mack having been returned HFD TL-15 is on standby and has been for close to 3 weeks and has yet to been called to respond yet, given FFD has few high rise structures wouldn;t it be safer to have the truck there just incase its needed, sources have told me TL15 would only be called if it was a confirmed 10-75 this would be a problem then to our mutual aid agreement would that be altered? has any one discussed it? normally HFD sends eng-170 3 ff's and 1 capt and GFD sends most often Ladder 4 on a 2nd alarm. should this be swithed or will this happen and leave the 3 towns with no ladder? if so that leave hartsdale sending 170 and tl 15.. leaving only 169. i think the department need to get on the same page be4 the incident happens, the normal plans are will pre planed, but the curve ball of No FFD ladder mix's things up alittle and i think it needs to be addressed

any opinions or suggestions, do other department have 2ndary pre plans if a rig is out of service?

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