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EMS Mutual Aid

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In the flycar topic I made a statement in regards to EMS coming from (for example) the Bronx to Pelham. Then the question was posed: Why? Good question. Just wondering if anybody could shed some light on how EMS Mutual Aid is organized? Can a private EMS provider contract m/a with whomever they wish or are there any restrictions?

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I wouldn't know for sure, but unless the feces is really hitting the propeller (think about it for a minute if you have to), I don't think Empress for example would ever request mutual aid. They would have a patient wait longer if they had to. I know I have heard of many things where perhaps they don't have an ALS bus available, but they do have a TAC bus in service, they can send something that may be "chest pain" and might very well be an MI, BLS just to get an ambulance there and transporting, perhaps that's not really that bad an idea when ALS in the area is extended (even if it were coming mutual aid, it may still take more time).

Besides that though, the reason I think, even beyond the money aspect--though the two are definitely and inseparably linked--is they want to maintain the contract. If Empress began requesting M/A during busy times in Yonkers, all another company has to do is prove to the City of Yonkers they can handle the volume better at the same cost or even better and they have the contract.

The issue here, to be frank, is not primarily patient care in the personal sense; it's really patient care in the broader sense of providing the service as best as possible to the most amount of people. If that means the bus which is being used much more on the west side of Yonkers takes 15 minutes longer to get to Pelham for the ankle injury, than so be it. If it means an MI in Pelham, that might raise a few eyebrows, but the same logic stands: greatest good for the greatest amount. It's the best policy to run these types of organizations, especially with the volume many of them handle.

HOWEVER: take New Rochelle for example. 30A1 and 30A2 get flooded on many an occassion. Two buses to cover that entire city are limited at best. There are times where I have come form Eastchester and run 2-3 jobs in a row in New Rochelle. We don't have as much a problem where we can have a second crew ok for our district, but NR never hesitates for M/A. They are run by Sound Shore/Transcare if I'm not mistaken, I don't know the full story there, but they seem to have an often different policy on this. Part of that is also that they are dispatched out of 60-Control, following a certain degree of County-Wide M/A policies as well.

Either scenario works to provide a service as best as possible. It could be said that New Rochelle has a better ability to get M/A with the surrounding communities, Yonkers is kind of on it's own bordering the river, so it's a little harder that way, but the policies of the differing companies running them also seem to be different.

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I wouldn't know for sure, but unless the feces is really hitting the propeller (think about it for a minute if you have to), I don't think Empress for example would ever request mutual aid. They would have a patient wait longer if they had to.

If this is the case then why do you see other providers answering calls in Empress areas sometimes?? Does Empress have a few different companies under it's umbrella?

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If this is the case then why do you see other providers answering calls in Empress areas sometimes?? Does Empress have a few different companies under it's umbrella?

For example........????

The only other company I can think of is Emergicare (or however it's spelled) but that's the same company. Only other examples could possibly be that transports are being done by people calling for transports from other companies--e.g. Metrocare/Transcare or Westchester EMS. Other than that, what other companies are you talking about? What other ambulance services?

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Hey don't get snippy about it. Emergicare was one that I was thinking of. Which is why I asked if there are more than one company under the Empress name. You see I'm not overly versed in the inner workings of Empress. Also you ocasionally see some other company (can't remember the name) respond on an EMS call not a transport. True this is kinda rare, but even Empress can be overwhelmed on a busy day.

All that aside; this still doesn't answer my original questions though. I was looking for some general insight on the EMS system as a whole not a discussion about Empress and their Shortcomings.

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EMS mutual aid works the way mutual aid should from what I have seen, with the exeption of Empress, which is a whole other story.

Up in the north county, districts are usually split into 4 areas with each bordering district being utilized for mutual aid calls. In the southern end, It is usually a neighboring department. This is very unlike fire where departments who have their own set of people they want when they call for it.

I think you can see that in EMS, the patient is the priority, while in Fire, its all about who is whose friend, etc.

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Sorry, I didn't intend to be snippy... re-reading my post, I can definitely see how that would have come across. I was typing a stream of consciousness. Sorry about that CAM...

Secondly, I went on talking about Empress because I thought that was what we were talking about for the most part in the post in the "BLS Fly-car" thread.

Pudge, I guess, summed it all up then. As for that other company you reference, I dunno what it's called either. I haven't seen anything other than Empress and Emergicare (sp? still not sure). It could be another company that Empress owns as you suggested.

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Hey no problem man. You also have a point, did kinda focus on one provider. Still can't remember that name...oh well. Thanx though and thanx pudge.

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