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To Those Who Have Donated To The Site....(ISSUE RESOLVED)

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To all that have generously donated to the site already for our 2012 Operating Expense Fund campaign,

Unfortunately, there is a issue with the Donation System. Please know that ALL donations were recieved. The issue lies with our Donation Tracker System, which gives you credit for the donation when we get the confirmation from Paypal, tallies up all the donations, and accounts for who donated what and tracks Investor Status via this system.

Until I have time to look into the issue, I will refund all donations made so far. The donation system will also be taken offline. That way, when you go to make your donation, I can make sure you are properly credited and we are accurately tracking our goal.

I will notify everyone when this is resolved.

Thanks for your understanding, and I truly apologize for this.



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The above issue has now been RESOLVED.

To all those who donated, I truly apologize, but you will need to re-donate due to the reasons above. All donations have been refunded, so you WILL NOT be donating twice.

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