Fusion ePCR Software

2 posts in this topic

Does anyone on this board use Fusion ePCR software?

If so what are your likes and dislikes?

How did you get the software to work for you?

Do you believe that you are getting the most out of the software?

Was it worth the price?

What computers do you run the software on?

Did you switch from another ePCR software provider?

Were there any growing pains? If so, how did you address them?

Do you feel that this software is the best ePCR software out there?

What are you paying for the Fusion ePCR software?

A little background, my commercial non-emergent transport company recently switched from Siren ePCRs to Fusion ePCRs. The transition has not been as smooth as we would have liked it. Hopefully I can receive some input from actual users that I can forward to management to ease the transition and use of this software.

Fusion ePCR:

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SRS131EMTFF - while the service I manage does not utilize Fusion ePCR, but rather AmbuPro EMS, I did do some extensive research prior to purchase to ensure I was putting the right tools in the hands of all my employees. Below is a quick list of items (looking back through my notes) I found prior to choosing the solution we have today.

Fusion ePCR is web-based; AmbuPro EMS is Client-owned - I was unwilling to rely on an unreliable technology (i.e. an internet connection) to serve as the infrastructural backbone to get my field users the critical data they need in order to make life-saving decisions. The question I posted to Fusion was, in the event I have no internet connection out in the field, how do I pull up patient information (e.g. allergies, medications, history, alerts, etc.) on a patient I saw one year ago and know is in my database. Their answer... you can't. Unacceptable. With the system I have now (AmbuPro), you have complete access to all previously seen patient and incident information at your fingertips, out in the field, in an offline environment with no internet connection.

Fusion ePCR stores the data on their servers (vendor hosted); AmbuPro EMS is installed locally at the Client - One massive aspect I wanted is to own my data. With a web-based system where the information resides on the vendor's servers, who really owns the data at the end of the day? Possession is nine-tenths the law. I was unwilling to have my department's private EMS HIPAA data on someone else's servers and be restricted to an internet connection just in order to access it.

Fusion ePCR is a SaaS (software as a service) pricing model; AmbuPro EMS is a single flat fee pricing model - with traditional SaaS pricing, you pay less upfront and a lot more ongoing. If you calculate the TCO (total cost of ownership), the cost for Fusion in a 5 year analysis was more than double that of our current system.

And the support team at AmbuPro was instrumental in ensuring the deployment, training, and go-live all went seamless. I will say that there is a learning curve to any new tool you implement. But choosing the right tool the first time has brought our service to the next level in EMS patient care, documentation, data collection, quality assurance, and statistical analysis.

In conclusion, architecture, features, ownership, support, and pricing were the driving factors for my purchase. I purchased AmbuPro EMS back in 2010 and have been with their company ever since as a very happy customer. Good luck with Fusion. Stay safe and let me know if you have any other questions.

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