
Eastchester Volunteer Fire Department Drama

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Seems like Eastchester VOLUNTEER Fire Department is generating a lot of heat at the Commissioners meeting. I didn't know they still existed. But, according to the heated discussion towards the end of this meeting, they do and they've been "stonewalling" the Commissioners and have not responded to requests for information, including financials, "30-40 times now". This district has so many problems it seems.

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Really simply solution to all of this. At the next public meeting of the Eastchester FD Board of Fire Commissioners, Commissioner Winters needs to advise the Board Member Commissioner Lore, who apparently is the individual on the board who is the Board Liaison to the Eastchester FD Volunteers, that he must provide "At The Next Scheduled Public Meeting" the complete listing of Active Eastchester FD Volunteer Firefighters and the list of those who are no longer active Eastchester FD Volunteer Firefighters. No need to have senseless debate over whether or not Commissioner Winters needs to attend the Monthly Eastchester Volunteer FD Meetings, which we can all tell from the countless number of Monthly Meetings of the EFD Board of Fire Commissioners, that Commissioner Winters has no interest in attending (and we can all tell that Mr. Winters would like nothing more than to abolish the Volunteer Department). However, Commissioner Lore needs to "Step Up" his game and provide to the township, once and for all, the listing of "Active" Volunteer Firefighters in the Town and what duties that they perform on a regular basis. Otherwise not to do this, only feeds Mr. Winters' speculation that the EFD Volunteer Department, is nothing but a "Good Old Boys Club" (everyone certainly knows that Commissioner Lore doesn't want to open any emails from Mr. Winters either). This is not to say that there isn't an active EFD Volunteer Fire Department. There well may be. It just that the public has a right to know who are active members, who are not active members and what function to they perform.

Just put the Officers of the Volunteer Department in the same room as the Eastchester Board of Fire Commissioners and Chief Grogan, televise it to the public, and don't let anyone out of the room until this matter has been resolved. Both parties need to be PREPARED with all required documentation and historical records (no baloney about I didn't bring it with me crap).If the Volunteer Department Officers get their nose bent out of shape, then so sorry. On the other side, if Commissioner Winters and Commissioner Napolitano and Chief Grogan get their pants in a uproar, and don't have a logical response to the other side, then so be it as well.

(For one, I just can't see either Commissioner Lore, or to that fact Commissioner Winters or Commissioner Napolitano climbing up to the top of the training tower at the County Training Facility, with a full pack on, anytime soon, without keeling over and needed the Eastchester Volunteer Ambulance Squad to given them all some much needed oxygen. so forget either one of those 3 being able to complete any of the required training needed to perform the duties of a Fire Patrol. :):wacko:

I think that the public needs to get this CRAP ironed out now rather than allowing it to linger on for months on end. ENOUGH ALREADY !!!

Seems like Eastchester VOLUNTEER Fire Department is generating a lot of heat at the Commissioners meeting. I didn't know they still existed. But, according to the heated discussion towards the end of this meeting, they do and they've been "stonewalling" the Commissioners and have not responded to requests for information, including financials, "30-40 times now". This district has so many problems it seems.

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