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Drill idea

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I just posted this in the JC forum because they were looking for a drill idea, and i figured this could be very helpful for us non-jc members as well. Tell me what you think about it and if i should change or implement anything before i submit it to my cheif. Thanks

Im going to submit a drill to my cheif in a couple of weeks for the non-jc members, you might be able to do something like this... I want to split the people at the drill up into teams of a officer, and a few FF and have them go around town to different  commericial buildings in our district and gathering vital informaion on the buildings type construction, roofing, floor plans, occupancy ect. ect. and take pictures of the buildings exterior walls and roof. Then i want to have the members come back to the FD's HQ and disscuss with the other members their buildings that they looked at and the best way to fight and interior attack and preform search and rescue. After that, i would like to submit all of the information to 60-control so that way we can get information on the building before we even pull up to the scene. You might be able to do something like this with the jc, but anyone from the regular FD who reads this might want to do the same.

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