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LODD- Philadelphia, PA Police Officer

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A Philadelphia police officer involved with a scuffle with protesters outside the Convention Center has died of an apparent heart attack.

Officer Paris Williams (right), 52, a 19-year veteran of the force, was among many Civil Affairs officers monitoring the protest outside the "BIO 2005" conference at the Convention Center.

Police Commissioner Johnson says when a scuffle broke out, Williams rushed in:

"He went towards the scuffle, he collapsed. Rescue came and immediate transported him to Hahnemann Hospital, where he was pronounced dead at 1:15pm."

Homicide detectives questioned some of the protesters. Those interviews and the autopsy may determine whether any charges could be warranted.

Johnson says either way, a good officer died:

"He died in the performance of his duty. He died going out there working, doing the things he was supposed to do."

Officer Williams leaves behind two grown children.

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