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Huge Black Eye For The Rockland Fire Service....

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Firefighter charged with arson



(Original Publication: July 15, 2005)

A Thiells volunteer firefighter has been accused of starting the July 8 blaze at Letchworth Village Developmental Center that area departments battled for two hours.

Jason Toborg, 22, of Liberty Drive, Tomkins Cove, was charged by Haverstraw town police yesterday with fourth-degree arson, a felony.

Toborg is a volunteer with the Thiells Fire Department's David B. Roche Volunteer Fire Company.

Haverstraw Town Police Lt. Martin Lund said Toborg likely started the fire using debris in the vacant, two-story, stone Reville Building off Willow Grove Road.

The fire was reported at 1:09 a.m. and caused heavy damage to the building that once housed a hospital and a library.

Firefighters from the Thiells, Stony Point, Hillcrest, Haverstraw, West Haverstraw and New City fire departments fought the fire.

Thiells Fire Chief Neil Armida did not return a call for comment.

County Fire Coordinator Gordon Wren Jr. called the arson a "despicable" act that risked the lives of firefighters.

"This summer has been extremely hot and humid, and under those conditions, it puts a lot of stress on the firefighters," Wren said.

"I don't really think they comprehend the danger of what they're doing," he said of arsonists. "It really puts everyone at risk, especially with this weather."

Wren said arsonists are typically men in their teens or early 20s who crave excitement.

"Kids, when they're young, they do stupid things. They've said they wanted the excitement. They wanted to use their training," he said. "Usually they'll pick an abandoned building or an old shed or barn."

A Spring Valley firefighter, Wesly Alcindor, 18, of 235 N. Pascack Road, Spring Valley, was charged June 11 with four counts of third-degree arson, a felony. He is accused of setting fire to the detached garages at two Walnut Place homes, and to the homes at 12 S. Madison Ave. and 16 Franklin St.

"We've gone a long stretch without having any," Wren said. "It is extremely rare to have two, unrelated, so close together."

On Aug. 8, 2000, Haverstraw village junior firefighter Angel Morrebel, 16, pleaded guilty to setting three fires in the village between January and March 2000.

Toborg was released without bail and is to appear in Haverstraw Town Justice Court on Tuesday.

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Where is the backround checks on these guys, It seems to be happening more often lately. :cry: Also 22 yrs old isn't a kid anymore, put him in jail for a long time ( If he's is found guilty) [-X

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Where is the backround checks on these guys, It seems to be happening more often lately. :cry:  Also 22 yrs old isn't a kid anymore, put him in jail for a long time ( If he's is found guilty) [-X

For once, I agree with you. Fortunatley nobody got killed or hurt, but because of that, it will keep the charge at 4th degree, so he may not go away for as long as some of us would like to see.

I think this brings up another point, which maybe a new topic should be started on - Should a firefighter convicted of Arson get a higher charge automatically because he's a firefighter? I think it wouldn't be a bad idea.

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a great idea, but then you dont have equal rights unfortunately. something needs to be done. I think the only good thing is that they cant become a volunteer again if convicted, no?

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I would guess that this is the first act of arson these FFs committed, or it is the first time they were caught. Either way it is unlikely a background check would have yielded anything significant. Perhaps a psych exam to check for arsonist traits in addition to a full criminal background check?

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A background check

AKA NYS Arson Check
will only give results if the person has been Convicted of Arson. It is the Departments job to check and investigate the individual for membesip.

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