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Up date of 7/24/05 Jimmy's Status

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Dear Family and Friends,

Well, sorry you have not heard from us lately. It has been a long few days. Jimboy has been looking really bad and it has been getting worse. We took him in for his exam on Thursday, and I was very uneasy still. We went over to NYU for a CT scan to find that the fluid in his head had increased incredibly. We went back to NYU Hospital at about 6:30 pm on Thursday and he was admitted. Dr. Harter performed a shunt revision surgery on Friday at noontime. The shunt was blocked. Many of his current symptoms were probably caused by this obstruction with no place for the fluid to go. We stayed until this AM and are now home. Jimboy is resting comfortably, and Jim and I are very relieved. Everything happened so quickly, but the outcome is ok. "Our" boy is doing better and feeling less pressure in that little head. Hopefully, as the fluid build-up decreases he will look and feel a lot better.

This journey is so long, and I think the most amazing part that is even though he was in misery with this problem, he still squeaked out a smile for the nurses and a high five for Dr. Harter. This child is a true inspiration and hero. Amazement isn't even the word anymore. I will think of one - maybe supercalifragilisticexbealidocious - from my Mary Poppin's days, that is the longest word I know, at least that is what Mary Poppins taught us.

So, I have been thinking a lot, as always. Although, our pain is so great so much of the time, there are many things we are so thankful for. One of them being all of you. Another would be learning this incredible part of life that exists. That everything we touch is not really ours. We are borrowing it while we are here, so therefore, all of it really doesn't matter at all. What really matters is the amount of love and caring we have and do for one another. How much actual time we spend enjoying each other for who they are. I have been in deep non-penetrating thought through the past few days, which I think is driving Jim crazy. I really am trying to break it. I really don't want to talk about it. I guess this is probably a normal response? I am not quite sure? I have been praying a lot for my boy and all those that surround him, that they too are rewarded for their sacrifice and love for our family during this time. I pray that you are all rewarded with a miracle. You have all shown so much incredible hope, strength and love for our family. Unconditional giving that I am so thankful for. Although, this deep thought I have been in seems to be helping me. There are no words for me to say these days. Small talk is so small. I wish there was something to tell everyone. I can only tell all of you thank you and that I love you for the incredible spirit you each have. I am blessed with more than I could have ever imagined in this life, but yet it is two-fold because all I really want is for my boy to get better. All I really want is for each and every one of us to be happy and loving. I have told you all before and will continue to tell you, I am a different person because of this - my life will never be the same, and my choices in life have changed. It is like someone flipped the switch on the railway and now I am on a different track. I want so much to share this track. I want everyone to rejoice in their love for each other. I want us all to ask the questions of life, learn from our mistakes.

I want to teach my children to trust. I want my children to know their mistakes are the most important steps of their lives. Their mistakes will make them the person they become. I want them to embrace their mistakes as the next rung on the ladder. Each mistake has a value, not to fear them, but embrace them. I know each of my mistakes has taught me something new about who I am and who I long to be. I want them to embrace their love for others and make sure they know how important it is to give to others. The greatest gift they can give to others is their love. I want them to understand that there are so many different ways to show love to others.

I have learned so much through my experiences with all of you and your incredibly giving and loving natures. Embrace the beautiful person you are. Along with our family, embrace the knowledge of life you have gained through our journey. Our journey is a difficult one and emotionally draining, but has a lesson for all of us. Embrace your life every second. Hold those you love close and tight, even in when you are apart.

There are no answers for why things like this happen. I just have to trust and pray that I am doing the right thing always. So please say an extra prayer for us tonight, kiss your family, say a prayer for them and for yourself (as I always do) to give you the strength to meet life's challenges and mistakes head on, and to make a difference in someone's life everyday.

I am learning and trying to live by example for my children. I don't know if I have gotten there yet, but I am trying. Again, I just trust my instinct and hope it is right. I want to live happy and simple. I want to make a difference in this world for my children and those around me. I have become passionate about so many new things that I never saw before. Everyone I talk with always talks about the "state of the world." We have the power to make it what we want it to be - together - with a lot of support from one another. I believe with all my heart, one day at a time, we will get there together.

Thanks for listening to the inner thoughts and workings of Gina Arena's brain. Hope it all made sense, just a lot of things floating around in there.

May God Bless You and Your Family Now and Always, Love, Gina

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Know that my prayers and thoughts are always with you. I know we all say it but you truly have made "us" all better people and helped "us" open our hearts.

God bless you.

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Know that my prayers and thoughts are always with you. I know we all say it but you truly have made "us" all better people and helped "us" open our hearts.

God bless you.

I was trying to put into words what to say, But that is better then I could have done. Good Bless

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Those are beautiful thoughts and they made a lot of sense. It would be wonderful if people could think beyond them selves and make this place a better world. As always my heart and prayers go out to you and your family and I am glad Jimmy is resting better.

Don't be afraid to do the inner thinking but do remember to bounce those thoughts off the people around you and also use this board. I am sure you family wants to know what your thinking and they might just help you make things happen. I know the people out here love to here what is going on in and around your family. And this thought process is part of it. I have a feeling that more people can relate to this then what is really happening in your physical world.

So keep thinking and sharing and may god contimue to show up in our lives.

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jim, gena, and the rest of your family may god be with you and pull threw jimmyboy.

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