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Moderator Responsiblities

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Since I havent gotten around to writing my own yet:(Kinda Long, But good, If you dont have time to read the whole thing yet, at least read the first few paragraphs) Not everything applies to this board, but it will give you an idea of what being a moderator entails and what you can do.

More than doing anything else the Moderator is responsible for maintaining interest in, and activity on, a board. You've got to get people to the board and keep them posting. Boards see ups and downs. Usually a board will see a flurry of initial activity, then settle down for while only to go into high-gear again because of one hot topic. As a Moderator, you'll need to help with jump-starts during slow periods.  

You will also have the ability to modify, move, and delete all posts on your board. This ability must be handled with responsibility. The users and staff are trusting you with that power and responsibility, please weild it wisely.  

Moderators also have the responsibility to keep harmful or offensive posts and people out of their boards and to help keep them out of DANDALI Forum as a whole. Now when we say "harmful or offensive" we don't mean as judged by any religious or political scale; we also don't mean the presence of profanity, on-topic sexuality, or even disagreements between members. We're all grown ups here, and if we don't want to read something, we don't have to. DANDALI Forum has a stated policy of non-censorship. What we mean when we say "harmful or offensive" is material that is unequivocally an abuse of the system itself, the exploitation for commercial gain or maliscious intent of the congregation of the membership general and our ability to freely communicate. We mean blatant advertisements, posts about money-making-schemes or mlm's, multiple posts with identical content ("bombing" or "spamming" or "cross-posting"), or attacks against members or DANDALI Forum that have been written by individuals whose only reason for being here seems to be to attack.  

Please read Actions A Board Moderator May Take, which explains everything from how to handle a topic or post that is better suited on a different board, to dealing with get-rich-quick spammers and other jackasses bulletin board systems sometimes draw and who might appear on your board.  

We've tried to prepare you for any situation you might encounter, but in reality, you probably won't have to deal with anything more serious than the occassional fixing of a type-o. The most important thing to remember is to have fun. That's what it's all about.  

When you become a Board Moderator you will see some changes in the appearance of your board and in the way some of its features behave versus the appearance and behavior the membership general experiences.  

First, what a Moderator sees: In the Author area of any of your posts on the board, even ones from before you became the Moderator, you and the membership general will now see your Member Group listed as "Board Moderator". On all other boards you will retain your normal Member Group status. At the bottom of any given topic screen, under the last post of the topic, you will now see additional buttons and tools that were not visible before you became the Moderator. Those tools are defined below.  

The behavior of certain tools on the board you moderate will change to recognize your new abilities as Moderator.  

Edit/Delete Any Post  

You will now be able to modify or delete any post on the board, not just your own. When you modify another member's post, that member's name and information is retained as the author; your name will not replace his even though you were the last to modify the post (you're name will be displayed in the post last modified by box). This is one of the primary reasons why being a responsible and trustworthy Moderator is so important.

Lock Topic  

You may lock or unlock a topic, preventing or allowing new replies to be added. One of the functions of a Moderator is to keep the board organized and easy to use. Topics are allowed 15 posts per page; after 15 posts a new page is created (this is the default, it can be changed). While the pages are easy to navigate either from the topic list or the bottom of the messages pages, a popular topic can grow unweildly fairly quickly. If one topic is too big, in your opinion, you should lock it and begin a new topic continuing the first. Don't delete the first topic, leave it there for future readers as long as it has relevance. It's always a good idea, when splitting topics, to make note that the active topic is not the the first. The best way to do this is to cite it in the topic title, for example when locking a topic called "special fx in film", make the new topic title "special fx in film (part 2)".

Move The Topic  

This tool only applies if you wish to move a topic from one board to another and you moderate both boards. If you don't moderate both the source and destination boards, you will not be able to move it. Request that a Board Staff member or the Administrator move it for you.

Once in a while a bulletin board system draws the attention of unscrupulous individuals hoping to exploit the concentration of a large number people for their own profit. Usually these individuals post messages about various get-rich-quick or multi-level-marketing (Pyramid) schemes. Often they will post the same or similar messages multiple times on one board ("spamming the board") and/or post messages on several boards at once ("cross-posting"). Sometimes these individuals will be more sneaky, especially if they realize that their IP Addresses are being logged and can be used to ban them from access to the board. In such cases one might see an individual posting innocent messages frequently, but his signature includes a questionable statement; an individual might post messages whose entire content is a request that readers visit his scam's site; or an individual might post seemingly benign messages that tend to promote or recommend a little too strongly or too often one particular website, company, or service. And there are other ways these individuals will attempt to get their self-serving messages across. A good Moderator must be on the lookout for such posts and individuals. DANDALI Forum is not an outlet for free advertising. It is a forum for free speech and free expression, and, as Abraham Lincoln said, "eternal vigilance is the price of freedom."  

Occassionally tempers flare and attacks ("flaming") occur. They can be directed against an individual member, the Moderator, or DANDALI Forum as a whole. Attacks can be a few angry posts (minor), spamming the board (moderate), or spamming PM boxes and e-mail addresses (severe). In addition to watching out for get-rich-quick, mlm, and similar attacks, Moderators must be wary of, and quick to put out, temper fires. Most people will use a bulletin board responsibly. It is only the occassional jackass who tends to ruin it for everyone. And it's the job of the Board Moderators and Board Staff to identify, isolate, and expunge posts and/or individuals who do threaten the membership general. If either type of posts do appear the Moderator has several tools at his disposal, depending on the severity and frequency of the problem.  

The most important tool a Moderator has is his own judgement. Use it. Often members invite others to visit their websites. This is perfectly acceptible. If the majority of the person's posts, however, are advertisements for his website, then that is not acceptible. Sometimes an otherwise good member of the community will post something questionable. User your best judgement. Consider the content of all the member's posts, then decide what course of action you wish to take: Edit the message yourself, request the member edit his post, remove the message entirely, request a text filter, or request the member be banned. Use your judgement. When in doubt, ask for advice from another Moderator or the Board Staff. If you feel the need after speaking with these people, ask The Administrator, who will take final responsibility on any matter.  

Here are the tools available to Moderators in dealing with abusive posts or members, in the order they should be considered:  

Request Member Move The Post/Topic  

If a member has posted a message that is "off-topic", or not inline with the theme of the board, it can often encourage others to post similar off-topic messages in your board. Naturally this tends to degrade the integrity of the board. If there is a different board on which the post would be on-topic, PM the author and politely request that he remove the post from your board and repost it on the other board. Explain the theme of your board versus the other, and thank him for his help. If there is not another board suited to the post in question, either suggest to the member that he petition the Administrator for the creation of an appropriate board, or that the member repost his message on a general interest board.  

Move The Topic  

Board Moderators may only move topics to and from boards they moderate. If you are not the Moderator for Board B, you cannot move a topic from your Board A to Board B. Neither can the Moderator for Board B. You must be the Moderator for both boards to move topics between them. As a function of the security programming only Board Staff may move topics between boards with different moderators. If you feel you need to move a topic, PM a request to a Board Staffer or to the Administrator. In the request please include: The title of topic to be moved, it's author, the board to move from, and the board to move to. As a matter of courtesy you may also wish to notify the author(s) of the topic/post(s) in a reply to the topic.  

Request Member Edit The Post  

For minor problems, especially with regard to angry posts, the best course of action, and the one least likely to further anger anyone, is to politely request via PM that the author modify or remove his post. Explain calmly and friendly why you believe the post shouldn't remain active as it is. You may also wish to suggest that the angry member settle his differences with the opposing member privately. DANDALI Forum provides several facilities for private discussion.  

Edit The Post  

In minor cases such as an objectionable picture being placed inside an otherwise useful message you might wish to simply edit the picture out of the post. The best way to do this is to replace the picture (or other item removed) with a statement such as "[iMAGE REMOVED]" or "[url EDITED OUT]".  

Lock The Topic  

If the post or topic does not include an objectionable URL or photo, or is simply a heated argument that has apparently cooled, but which you do not wish to remove, you may wish to lock the topic so no further posts may be added. This allows the post(s) to continue to be read, however, so keep that in mind. If you find the topic very objectionable but have chosen to lock it rather than remove it, leave it locked for a few days then remove it.  

Delete The Post  

You may delete individual posts simply by clicking the "delete" button toward the top of any post. Occassionally members posting replies hit the "send" button too many times and multiple copies of the message get posted. This is an honest mistake; simply delete the extra copies. It is always a good idea to copy (author information, date and time, and body of the post) any post you delete (other than duplicates), and PM or e-mail it to the Administrator. By doing that you will have fully informed the Administrator in the event your judgement and action on the matter is ever questioned.  

Delete The Topic  

If an offending topic contains only the opening post, do not delete the post delete the topic. Within the DANDALI Forum system a "topic" consists solely of the subject, number of responses, date and time of creation, and author, it does not include the data on the first post, which is stored separately.  

Request A Text Filter  

DANDALI Forum includes a utility accessible only to the Administrator that allows for the automatic substitution of text in posts at display time. The Text Filter utility functions on the same principle as the engine that substitutes emoticon symbol text for emoticon graphics. For example: When one types ":-)" into a post, those three characters are replaced with the  image. The Text Filter functions the same way, allowing for the replacement of "" with "(URL removed)". The substitution is done not at post time, when a member writes a post, but at display time, meaning everytime the page containing the post is displayed through a web browser the system performs the substitution. Thus, even days after multiple messages have been posted promoting "", a Text Filter can be added that replaces the line in all past, present, and future posts. Additionally the filter can be changed from "(URL removed)" to "(Hey! Look at me! I'm a moron!)" at any time and it will automatically reflect in all past instances of the search term.  

The Text Filter applies to any word, phrase, sentence, or combination of alphanumeric characters and punctuation. It also applies inside UBBC code (e.g. "Hey! Click Here!" becomes "Hey! Click Here!"). The Text Filter applies to text in any post, signature, and Private Message; even to a topic title (see above for instructions on changing topic titles). Substitution also occurs within the "Print" function of DANDALI Forum, which is a separate process that displays a topic in a black and white printable format. In short, once a Text Filter is added, the search string will never be seen by anyone.  

As you can see, the Text Filter utility is very powerful. Access to it is restricted solely to board staff. If a Board Moderator feels that a Text Filter is warranted, such as in the case of an individual or group that frequently posts an offending URL despite previous warnings and actions, petition must be made directly to the Administrator, who will then bear final responsibility for the use or non-use of the Text Filter. To request a Text Filter send a PM to username "admin" with the following information: The search string (what should be replaced) enclosed in quotes, your suggested replacement string enclosed in quotes, the board(s) and topic titles on which the offending search string appears, an approximate count of the search string's appearances, and an explanation of why you believe a Text Filter is warranted. If the offending search string appears on multiple boards, or has been noticed by other Moderators or Board Staffers, please also either mention their handles (usernames) or ask them to also PM the Administrator with their comments and recommendations on action. The Board Staff consider the use of a Text Filter to be a serious action, and the more support from Staff and Moderators the better.  

Request A Member Be Banned From DANDALI Forum  

It is the firm and fervent hope of the Board Staff that it will never be necessary to ban anyone from accessing DANDALI Forum. DANDALI Forum was created to be a place for enjoyment, comraderie, creativity, and freedom of expression. Much effort has been put forth by the Board Staff, the Board Moderators, and the membership general to create and propogate that spirit. Ideally we would all act responsibly and maturely toward each other and DANDALI Forum. Unfortunately we do have to face the realistic possibility that that will not be possible considering the opportunity the Internet represents to a very active minority out to separate us from our wallets or whose idea of fun is to ruin the enjoyment of others.  

While we still hope very much to never have call to use it, DANDALI Forum has, since its creation, been equipped to bar individuals from access. The system can automatically prevent access by any person based on his IP Address, which is the unique number that identifies each person's computer at the point it connects to the Internet, or by a group of IP Addresses (all addresses originating from an entire domain or ISP), and by several other methods we will not discuss in the interest of security. Banning is permanent.  

The Board Staff consider the termination of a member's account and the ban of that member to be a very serious action, and it will only be taken in the most extreme cases and when all other options have been exhausted. Before banning a member the Board Staff will thoroughly examine all evidence, interview all relevant parties, consider all circumstances, and attempt any and all possible lesser actions, which may include temporary suspension of account and access.  

Realistically we cannot envision a situaton in which banning any member would be necessary.  

The following individuals are not considered members, and will summarily and swiftly be banned:  

Those whose presence on, and "membership" to, DANDALI Forum is clearly intended solely to facilitate engagement in:  

promotion of a website, regardless of content;  

promotion of a company, business, method of doing business, investment opportunity, mlm, affiliate program, or other commercial entity or enterprise;  

promotion of a mailing list or newsletter;  

posting of advertisements, whether of a graphical, textual, or multimedia nature;  

posting of adult-oriented material that has little or no relevancy to DANDALI Forum, its themes, or other subject matter posted by members;  

posting of lists of website or email addresses or other URLs;  

posting of multiple messages whose content does not significantly vary ("spamming" or "bombing the board");  

sending through Private Messaging multiple messages whose content does not significantly vary ("spamming" or "mail bombing");  

sending through Internet e-mail to addresses collected by means of access to DANDALI Forum multiple messages whose content does not significantly vary ("spamming" or "mail bombing");  

posting of copyright-protected MP3 or other files whose copyrights are not owned by the author of the post(s);  

subscribing to mailing lists, clubs, opt-in lists, etc. Internet e-mail addresses collected by means of access to DANDALI Forum ("email slamming");  

collecting by means of access to DANDALI Forum for the future purpose of sale, spamming, slamming, or bombing, Internet e-mail addresses;  

collecting by means of access to DANDALI Forum for the future purpose of sale, spamming, slamming, bombing, or other unsolicited contact other personal information (names, telephone numbers, mailing addresses, etc.);  

using without hand-signed consent from the relevant party or parties any VBR resources, domain names, and/or email addresses related to DANDALI Forum, its staff, or any of its members, in such a way as to infer endorsement of, connection to, affiliation with, or ownership of any company, business, method of doing business, investment opportunity, mlm, affiliate program, other commercial entity or enterprise, advertisement, website, e-mail, or other electronic or printed matter;  

using any VBR resources, domain names, email addresses, trademarks, copyrighted material, etc. without the hand-signed consent of the Administrator;  

sabotaging, or taking action intended to sabotage, DANDALI Forum, its systems and properties, or its web, email, and other servers;  

sabotaging, or taking action intended to sabotage, the websites of members of DANDALI Forum, their systems and properties, or their hosts' web, email, and other servers;  

breaching the security of, or taking action intended to breach the security of, including logging in and attempting to log into DANDALI Forum through another member's account without that member's permission for the purpose of reading the member's Private Messages and/or impersonating the member on public posts or Private Messaging, DANDALI Forum, websites of members of DANDALI Forum, their systems and properties, or their hosts' web, email, and other servers;  

If a Board Moderator feels that an individual should be banned, such as in the case of an individual or group that engages in one of the activities listed above, take the following steps:  

Cease all communication with the offending party; the Board Staff will take it from here.  

Do not delete all the posts/PM's/e-mails from the offending individual as Board Staff will need to examine them, and will need to retain them if the action taken is ever challenged.  

Inform all other relevant parties, except the offending party, to also retain their copies (in the case of PM or email offenses), and that they should not communicate with the author until the matter has been resolved.  

Send via PM to username "admin" or via email to the Administrator's email address the following, please also send a copy to of the initial complaint to another Board Staff member (not a Board Moderator):  

The board(s) and topic titles on which the offending post(s) appears;  

if the offense is not related to public posts, such as PM or e-mail spamming, send representative samples;  

an approximate count of the appearances/instances of the offending post/message;  

the member's username and real name;  

the handles (usernames) of all members, Moderators, and Board Staffers who are aware of or have been victims of the offense; and  

an explanation of why you believe banning the member is warranted.  

Though the entire Board Staff will be involved in the decision, the Administrator will bear final responsibility for the decision to ban or not ban the member. Any appeals and protests should be filed with the Administrator. Any involved parties wishing to comment or make recommendation on the matter prior to a decision being rendered should contact the Administrator and/or a Board Staffer.  

Usually a Moderator posts the first message—whether a welcome-type message or a post that hits the ground running by starting off the discussion with an interesting point of view.  

As you know, DANDALI Forum uses Universal Bulletin Board Code (UBBC) in place of common HTML code operations such as including a picture, linking to another site, and text formatting. Occassionally users forget that DANDALI Forum cannot accept standard HTML code. You might see "<i>Hi!</i>" in someone's post. A good Moderator picks up on the fact that the author intended to make the text italic, and will edit the post to replace "<i>Hi!</i>" with "Hi!".  

Fixing type-o's is at your discretion. Some Moderators will fix a post's type-o's, others won't. It can be time consuming.  

Here's a very useful, and much appreciated trick to use when you lock a topic for being too long and create a follow up topic. Each topic has a unique URL that will always link back to it, which you will see displayed in your browser's address/location bar. Since the Topic List always sorts the most recently modified topic to the top of the list, older or locked topics get pushed to the bottom or even to other pages, making it difficult for people new to the board to catch up on previous parts of the discussion. Why not give them a hand? In addition to titling the next part of the topic "[title] (part x)", in the first post put a link back to the previous topic. For example, when locking up "special fx in film" and starting the new topic "special fx in film (part 2)", include in the topic opening message something like "Continued from 'special fx in film'". Anyone new to the "special fx in film (part 2)" topic can then click the link to catch up on the full discussion. Members will appreciate the extra effort.  

Occassionally a user may post a message off-topic or not related to the theme of the board. The best way to handle this situation is to ask the user through Private Message to re-post his message in a more appropriate place, and indicate what place that would be.  


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