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Whitetail Deer Overpopulation

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As some may or may not know the opening day of the BOW ONLY hunting season is almost upon us. We all realize that we have an overpopulation issue with the whitetail deer herd here in Westchester county.

I am an avid bowhunter with over 15 years experience and would be more than happy (and quite grateful) if any members have land (or know of someone with land) in the area where I can harvest deer. To make things easy; I have ready made permission and liability waiver (I waive any liability the homeowner would have as a result from any activities I engage in) forms. I am like a ghost on the property and have references from other land owners from whom I have permission. All animals I harvest areprofessionally processed and all the venison is consumed by my family or the landowner if they so choose.

I am not strictlly a trophy hunter like many who give hunters a bad name, and am a firm believer in conservation and wildlife management.

Please email me if you can be of any help, or have any questions.

Thank You,


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