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A Death in the service?

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I can't lie. I spend far too many hours on the internet, bouncing between favorite places like firehouse, fdnytrucks, and emtbravo, where I am a regular "poster" and forum moderator. Tonight, while "working" I noticed something kind of upsetting.

It appears as though this section, the most important one in my eyes, has died off. No new posts have been made since Feb. 17 - almost a month ago.

I apologize for not putting anything new up, I have been busy lately and haven't had time to provide you all, my brother and sister firefighters, with some helpful knowledge.

To correct this and revive this forum, I will have something new to share in the coming weeks. Also, I want all of you to think real hard about things that I, or anyone else out there can help you with to improve our jobs, and keep us safe.

Until next time, keep this forum alive!

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I'm looking foward to more. There are so many training issues to be disucssed in this county, and so many oppurtunities wasted

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I am new to the boards here, and I jumped right to this section as I also think this should be one of the most important sections. I too will check in frequently and start thinking about some topics to begin threads. I am the Trainig Officer in our department, and would love to share what has worked for us, what hasn't, and also (most importantly), gather new information and ideas from you all.

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