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George Carlin on New Orleans

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Been sitting here with my @$$ in a wad, wanting to speak out about the

b.s. going on in New Orleans.  For the people of New Orleans... First we

would like to say, Sorry for your loss.  With that said,  Let's go through a

few hurricane rules: (Unlike an earthquake, we know it's coming)

#1. A mandatory evacuation means just that...Get the hell out.

Don't blame the Government after they tell you to go.  If they hadn't said

anything, I can see the argument.  They said get out... if you didn't, it's your fault,

not theirs.  (We don't want to hear it, even if you don't have a car, you 

can get out.)

#2. If there is an emergency, stock up on water and non-perishables.  If you

didn't do this, it's not the Government's fault you're starving

#2a. If you run out of food and water, find a store that has some.

(Remember, shoes, TV's, DVD's and CD's are not edible.  Leave them alone.)

#2b. If the local store has been looted of food or water, leave your 

neighbor's TV and stereo alone.  (See #2a) They worked hard to get their 

stuff.  Just because they were smart enough to leave during a mandatory 

evacuation, doesn't give you the right to take their's theirs, not yours.

#3. If someone comes in to help you, don't shoot at them and then complain 

no one is helping you.  I'm not getting shot to help save some dumb@$$ who 

didn't leave when told to do so.

#4. If you are in your house that is completely under water, your belongings

are probably too far gone for anyone to want them.  If someone does want

them, let them have them and hopefully they'll die in the filth.  Just leave!  (It's New Orleans, find a voodoo warrior and put a curse on them)

#5. My tax money should not pay to rebuild a 2 million dollar house, a

sports stadium or a floating casino.  Also, my tax money shouldn't go to

rebuild a city that is under sea level.  You wouldn't build your house on

quicksand would you?  You want to live below sea-level, do your country some

good and join the Navy.

#6. Regardless of what the Poverty Pimps Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton want

you to believe, The US Government didn't create the Hurricane as a way to

eradicate the black people of New Orleans; (Neither did Russia as a way to

destroy America).  The US Government didn't cause global warming that caused

the hurricane (We've been coming out of an ice age for over a million years).

#7. The government isn't responsible for giving you anything.  This is the

land of the free and the home of the brave, but you gotta work for what you

want.  McDonalds and Wal-Mart are always hiring, get a damn job and stop

spooning off the people who are actually working for a living.  President

Kennedy said it best..."Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what

you can do for your country."

Thank you for allowing me to rant.

George Carlin - Comedian

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