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Somers going paid EMS?

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i've heard that somers is talking about going to paid EMS has any one heard the same thing or anything at all?, let me know

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i've heard that somers is talking about going to paid EMS has any one heard the same thing or anything at all?, let me know

If you belive that, I've got a bridge to sell you!! - Nothing official, it's just a rumor.

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If you belive that, I've got a bridge to sell you!! - Nothing official, it's just a rumor.

Actually Somers is looking into it a committee is being formed to investigate the options of self hire vs contract

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Somers should call Philipstown VAC and ask about the pros and cons of both. Philipstown has had paid employees for at least four years now. Brewster FD is also doing research.

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Oh my gosh it's happening!!!! Although most likely not anytime soon, but still none the less.

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The way they're EMS goes out, they need it. Correct me if i am wrong but as it is, dont they pritty much have their own medic? What i mean by that is the medic is from WEMS and stays at one of the houses and for the most part just runs on somers runs. I thought i saw that they even had a bay for the medics car in one of the houses.

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45M2 is stationed at the Lincondale firehouse in Somers, and is 1st due there, but they are also first due to a small area of North Salem. But M2 is the backup to M1 and M3. And there is no bay in the firehouse for the fly-car. It is kept outside.. (Except maybe under special circumstances.

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From what I hear on the county radio, Its seems long over do to try and get paid ems staff, some times you will hear dispatch after dispatch for a crew and its sounds sad nobody is responding. What about the poor patient. with the volume of calls it might be time.

just a thought.

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Is it any different in Somers than it is anywhere else? Just because it sounds bad on the radio it doesn't necessarily mean it is. Speak percentages, not in raw volume.

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