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Posts posted by fdny2817

  1. PCFD did you see that we are currently starting the project on the 35 Seagraves that we had obtained from Port Chester??? The FWD is not far at all, it is in the Beekman Fire District just over the line from Pawling so about 20 minutes or so from Wassaic.

    Mark I'd like to see what condition the seagrave is in , if you got pics

  2. Well good??? we re bringing it home to see what needs to be done to it, there are alot of guys that can do various things to it without any labor costs so if it looks as though we can manage it then the company will keep it, if not then a few of us will gladly take possession of it.

    Thats great, Use them while you can, and document everything you do, filter numbers, part numbers, and dates you did the work.

    Put a photo book together

  3. Taconic DDSO is still open and still has 12 emergency responders. 99-61 was taken to the NYS Fire Academy and is used for extrication I believe.

    I recently saw a story in one of the magazines and there was a picture with the Lake Carmel explorer's in it and 99-61 was in the back ground.

    Also The Hudson River State Hospital ID was 85 not in the 90s

  4. The Rig is located out of the state of NY, Somewhere out west. If it is really important I can get the address for you and the contact number.

    That would be great, I have only a few things left to do and Iam done, but could always use extra parts.

    Also my Explorer Post has restored back to working condition a 1955 700 series ALF 85' Ladder. We are missing 1 pompier ladder and mounting brackets.

    Thanks, Craig

  5. I came to an agreement with the guy last night, so I just need the blessings from our Company President for some paperwork, I spoke with our Chief and is ok with our plan, so as the signman says time will tell, I just need to find someone willing to help us out with getting her out of the lawn and back to Wassaic or was that Tinkertown road.

    The Hyde Park location is fine To!!!!! You spoke to Jan I heard LOL I will help you all I can

  6. Sad to say guys I have called several times, different times, different days, no luck. I did speak to the guys dad the other day as well as the day we went there and he said he would pass it to his son. I guess the owner isn't interested it moving it.

    Keep pushing, thats how we ended up with the ladder truck

  7. Well, you weren't too far off brother. County does track the ALS units, each time one responds, they ask where they are responding from. If it's too far away, they will call the Agency and see if they have a closer unit to send, or ask the incident officer if they want a closer unit. They also, make sure the contracted towns know when their ALS provider drops a call, by toning out the next ALS provider, along with that FD's tones so they hear what is going on... And if you call out responding and don't tell them from where, you will get a nice, attitude filled, "WHERE ARE YOU RESPONDING FROM?!". And you better not get caught lying about it either....

    So the intention is there, it just needs a little help i suppose

    As for tracking the county doesn't track anything, they pole for the nearest police unit. they dispatch the proper fire district and whatever ALS company the town, village or fire district has agreements with.

    asking where they are responding from is not tracking. putting gps units in all police cars and ambulances

    is the only way to track the NEAREST unit.

  8. amen brother. I don't work up north anymore but have good friends that do and know how hard they work despite the chips being stacked against them. It's time to cut the bull and advocate for real change. But, I'm not holding my breat.

    What a concept the county 911 center tracks all the ALS units and sends the closest one "WOW" And because they are tracking, they know what part of the county they need to back fill or move up units "WOW"

    What frigging great concept OOPs I just woke up

  9. Not for nothing but when I was working up north and pulled a tour in fishkill we did the best we could given the gross abuse of the mutual aid system by beacon. This not to say Alamo is without blame, but the fact remains that if beacon stepped up to the plate on a more regular basis fishkill units would not be stripped as often as it is. Looking at the even bigger picture is the abuse of the mutual aid system across the Hudson valley - many municipalities are relying more and more on surrounding units to do a a disturbingly high percentage of their jobs.

    It sounds like the time has come " Can we say County Wide EMS "

  10. Mark, I am sure Jan would let me park it here. " NOT" but in the yard someplace. The lack of chrome is a good thing, when it comes to restoring. Most engine parts you will find at Prudents Auto parts, the electric is easy to redo and the rest is sanding and painting,

    I have some extra lights and and wire for the siren. The seats and cab liner a guys down the road from me restores cars and can do it,

    The brakes and tires will be the hardest, believe me. Al has this stuff what will loosen anything up

    We are here to help and will have a place for you to display it