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Posts posted by ems-buff

  1. At Mamaroneck EMS, all the line officers at a minimalmust be an EMT for a certain amount of years, as well being a member for a certain amount of years. I will agree with what was said here, and echoing the question how can you be a good leader, if you can help your members expand there knowledge? If you yourself are not legaly, and moraly able to preform some duties that only emt can do.

  2. I doubt they are solely decon trailers. WCDES has a few decon trailers floating about, one was at KFD. WCDES has 1 listed for Bedford/Katonah, 1 for Cortlandt and 1 for Port Chester. Additionally, it has support units listed for each one as well but I have no idea what those support units could be. Maybe those trailers are the support units?

    Actually, Empress EMS has the one from port chester

  3. One word comes to mind.. STUPID!! Here are the factors, as I see it. This Volunteer fireman one should of never put on his blue light in the first place. He did do the right thing by calling the police, but why in gods name would you tell someone, who is not a cop one, and two is not in an emergency vehicle to give chase..

    Now granted this idiot who hit him should of never ran once he was involved in an accident to begin with. Just an all around stupid situation made worst with the thrill of trying to be a cop, and/or hero.

  4. Why don't you get a bunch of O2 tanks ( empty) and do an O2 salute when you and your wife walk into the reception area, and they all have scopes around there necks ( wedding party).. And the wedding cake toppers isn't a bad idea too....

  5. According to Mayor Bloomy "You can not put chains on ambulances because it will destroy the chassis" during his press conference last week

    I call bull**** on that.... Let be real here.. If the drivers go above 30mph( which should be the maximum speed for driving an emergency vehicle in these weather conditions anyways) YES I'm sure the chains will pop off cause all kinds of scratches on the paint scheme of the pretty ambulance, and may blow a tire or two.. But atlest its better then abandoning your rig!!! O_o...

    Well all the money NYC gets, and yes they get a lot... You mean to tell me they can't stock up on 4x4 ambulances.. Peekskill vac has one... I hear that thing is a beast in the snow.. Just goes to show EMS will once again never be a major component in emergency services..

  6. So here are some big questions,

    1)If and this is a big if.... If this was a slow down by the NYC sanitation, why did they do it, did they get what they wanted ( I believe they are the highest paid, and well respected union in the city), and what are the chances of it happening again..

    2) Did the FDNY*EMS learn its lession. They are one of the largest EMS organization in the US, yet units half there size use chains... How hard would it be to put them on each unit..

    3) Will Mayor doomburg resign.... I hope, I hope, I hope....

  7. As I said when it first happen... He should get death, or bread and water for the rest of his life NOTHING ELSE.. This ANIMAL ruined lifes of all kinds. From Patrick Joyce's Family to his brothers and sisters in the YFD. The Police Officers, Emergency Medical Personal who were all there. MYSELF included. I would love to see this SOB gets what his deserves. Not even a needle, that's to painless. Anyone ever seen the green mile.. When the guard forgot to wet the sponge.. Oopsss... I hope he burns in hell...

  8. I find it amusing that Yonkers can find money for urban renewal projects but they can't find money to hire more cops, and fireman to protect these "Renewal" projects

    I think Yonkers city government needs to be totally striped from the top down, and they need to start over. It's obvious that the current government has no IDEA what they are doing, and how to spend there money. Maybe the state should take over?

    Yonkers renewal plan...

  9. The average response times ranged from 3:57 (Syracuse Fire Department) to 15:48 (a rural volunteer Department), and it has caused a lot of discussion amongst the public and amongst the fire departments themselves.

    Do any Counties down here make any of this information public? Do any of the volunteer (or paid) FF’s know their department’s average response time? (I didn’t)

    Well depending on where the call is, seems to dictate how long it will take to get to a scene. 15:48 ( rounding off to 16 minutes) seems to be excessvie don't you think. How spaced out is the coverage area of this "department" is. I'm sure if someone wants information on that, couldn't they just foil request respond times?

    In the many departments I am a member of, and work for. I can say respone times on average are between 4-8 minutes.

    Is there a National reqiured respond time, that all departments have to meet? I thought I read that somewhere..

  10. The single biggest hinderance in contract negotiations is our only real fallback is binding arbitration. Here our biggest hinderance is the industry's prevailing wage. The second largest EMS provider in NYC is Transcare and their total compensation is significantly lower than ours. So how do we argue that we need more money to recruit quality employees when someone else is doing the same job for less?

    Well at Empress we do not have binding arbitration ( I believe because we are privite sector) , which is a good thing, in my eyes. I will say this. IAEP has worked very hard this past year and 1/2. I myself as a member of IAEP local R2-20, give them alot of credit. Yes the 13% incress in our contractis good, but don't you think if transcare does go union, there total compensation will go up, all in all benfiting everyone that works in the city as EMS?