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Everything posted by mjszpindor

  1. Rob, Nice job on the alarm box. Just curious if you did the work yourself, or hired someone else to refurbish the box? Thanks for the info. Matt
  2. Seth, Can't imagine the work that goes into running the site. Been a long time viewer, and have always enjoyed the content. The news, the photos, and the forum are always great. I would like to see you take a quick survey regarding a subscription fee. There are many good sites out there, and many charge a small fee. I would be more than willing to pay an annual subscription fee of $10 or $20, and I'm sure many would do the same. It's a shame that a few jackasses have ruined the site and turned so many people off. You could always remove certain sections of the forum, or remove those posting offensive posts permanently from the forum/website. I have spent the last 23 years of my life in both the volunteer & career fire service. I've worked & volunteered in some of the smallest & largest fire departments in the country in a number of different states. I have found over the years that most of the people writing stupid posts, complaining about paid guys vs. vollies, pointing out idiotic "safety" concerns, etc. have no life and have no experience with which to back up their claims. I have been involved in teaching on the local, state, and national level since 1994. There are many great instructors from both paid & volunteer departments, who have a lot of training & experience to share with those willing to learn. I have met guys from all of the country that travel great distances, often on their own dime (just like I've done all these years) to learn new things from the best instructors & the best classes. It's people like that for which I thought this site was dedicated. Brother, reconsider shutting down the site. Charge a small subscription fee. Dedicate the site to photos, training, learning, and sharing the brotherhood that makes the fire service great. Thanks.
  3. We are selling our old rescue. Mack/Saulsbury walk-in 1988, great shape. E-mail me at mjszpindor@Hotmail.com for more info