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Posts posted by ffdude13

  1. In this post anonymity has been used for a reason, as it is in the past, and not to detract from the point of this post.

    I noticed on the yonkers tribune this morning, which for those of you who do not know, follows the coy and yfd matter very closely, and noticed that a negative post here on emtbravo regarding yfd was splashed across more than one article on the yonkers tribune in the comment section, with a preface explaining, look at what this person thought of a medical call with yfd. I personally do not see any evidence it was the original poster here on emtbravo himself who posted to that website, however, I would say 90% of members on emtbravo if not more, have or are currently involved in either police, fire, or ems and since you have to be a member to view posts, it is unfortunately probable, that the other person here on emtbravo who has been copying this post is mos. Regardless, this type of behavior and attempt to undermine the yfd is weak, extremely dissapointing, and leaves me shaking my head vigorously.

    I do not and have not ever worked for yfd or empress, however as a resident of yonkers I do follow this matter. In a neutral view and my own opinion, it is clear that all backs have been turned against yfd despite attempts to convince me otherwise. I have yet to understand any reason at all why this is the case and why no one will reach out to them, all the while they move forward with dismantling in less than 12 months the cfr program; a cornerstone of public safety in yonkers that has been in place for over 20 years. I can never turn my back with so much left unanswered.

    1911, tommyguy, Brendan and 1 other like this

  2. With all due respect, that's the essence of the first response, quick response initiating CPR and Defib. Instead of having fire engines doing first response, they will now have a Paramedic doing first response.

    With all due respect, CPR and Defib ARE the essence of first response, and should be done by a CFR and not a medic, so the medic may continue to drop a tube and a line. It is hard enough to deliver a shock within 90 seconds and not have interrupted resperations of more than 20 seconds when trying to hook up BVM/o2 just by fumbling through all the tubing and aed wires by yourself, and now one medic is supposed to do all this, and tube, and get a line. I would rather see 4 people set up a BVM with continious breaths and o2, and shock, and the medic can be a medic, not a CFR.

    JFLYNN likes this

  3. OK, being a 25 year Yonkers paramedic ( that includes 3 years before the YFD even wanted to start coming with us on our calls), I was all set to spout off on this issue with tons of semi-intelligant comments, anecdotes, personal experiences and such that probably would have pissed of lots of folks I have respect for. But I waited. And while I waited I found this:

    EVERYONE on this thread MUST listen to this. It is 20 minutes so some you short attention span types may not have the patients. But every word is riveting. It called the "The cost of a firefighter: How much is a hero worth?" It is a very interesting report. I hope the link works.


    I would also like to redirect and add something authored by the organization that manages EMS in Contra Costa County


  4. Haven't seen it posted yet, so figured I might throw it out there.

    Vital Signs 2010

    New York State EMS Conference

    August 26-29

    Sheraton New York Hotel and Towers NY,NY


  5. That is can of worms. A civilian pilot with a PAPD take home car with lights and sirens. I don't even know where to begin. A non-sworn civilian with lights and sirens and a take-home ride... WOW! Additional savings that were not calculated into the tax-savings.

    Although I may agree with your prior statement, this one I believe is a little not thought through. For one, I am sure that a professional and well known organization such as the PAPD properly trained the civilian or had the proper paperwork/insurance/"whatever you need" in order to have their bases covered etc, with this person operating the vehicle.

    With that said, it is a simple matter of why the civilian would need it. At least to me, the most obvious reason would be that whoever the pilots of the PAPD are (civilian or not) if the chopper is not flying 24/7 365 (which seems unlikely with only 2-3 pilots i believe according to the lo hud article) should an emergency arise where the aviation unit needs to respond during off hours, the standby pilot would need to get their in a hurry hence the lights/sirens.

    Being the PAPD, I am just giving them the benefit of the doubt to them that this person was trained etc, and that the person using the vehicle would have it for the purpose of responding to the chopper or something of the like, and not just to be "part of the club. The aviation unit was part of the police, not ZIPPO helicopter tours. I see no problem with the pilot needing to get to the helicopter in a hurry in order to perform police/emergency service flights.

  6. You cant stop someone from taking a photo, so in essence the only thing they were doing wrong was smiling and not blocking the shot with their hand. its fine to smile for a photograph instead of cause bad PR from getting mad at the photographer and possibly creating problems in the bar with a ton of drunk people. Putting myself in there position, I know I would want to smile for her, so I can't blame them.

  7. Did the IAFF poll its members to see who the majority wanted to endorse? If not my hand would be cramped writing letters to as many union officials as I could.I dont see how a union as big as IAFF would blatenly disreguard the indivdual feelings of its members.

    maybe the IAFF didn't poll it's members, but it is like you said. The union is very large, thus the board members/officers of this union made an overall decision that will benefit the union because the democratic party traditionally as well as in this current election are for organized labor. many people fail to realize that the Republican Party is actually against organized labor, however attract the blue collar votes by relating to them as more american with more military service etc. and many people will not vote for someone like Obama because of his color, religion, and lack of military service although in the end none have to do with the power and progress of the IAFF. in the end, the IAFF board/officers are just doing what they are suppose to, maintain and expand the presence and power of their union.

  8. I am considering a career in law enforcement, and was wondering if any one had any information on the salary and benefits of the westchester county police (it is proving difficult to find.) I was looking specifically for things like salary, vacation time, sick leave, medical/optical/dental insurance, retirement/pension, and work schedule. Any information on this or salary/benefits would be great. thank you.