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Posts posted by DCJPells

  1. Both NYC and Yonkers have a nonresiedent payroll tax, if you work in either city you get to pay.

    The MTA commuter tax is on the employeer not the employee in the Hudson valley (and ?) for the honor of being close to NYC and as a reward to the MTA for not being able to stay within its multi billion dollar budget.

    Bloomberg proposed an additional commuter tax, but it was not approved by the state

    This is a payroll tax. It effects all including FD and non profits such as Vassar College. It is as far north as Dutchess County.

  2. I have asked him to get me a copy, don't know about posting it here but I will try to get you a hard copy. This evening I ran into another chief officer from the north east corner and asked him what he knew about the county FASTeam requirement, he verbatim stated the 10 members needed to be FAST trained and equipped.

    Both DC911 operation Manager and CC1 do not know of ant document as described. CC1 did forward me the same DC Chiefs document that I have and DC911 Operations Manger confirmed "I am not aware of any DC911 document about FAST that specifies 10 people are needed. Yes, if a department has a FAST team, we would enter it in CAD. " that a notice from the FD it them will add a FAST to CAD. If someone does have the "10 man" document, please send it to me.

  3. NYS DOL PESH & the NYS courts have stated (many times) that volunteer FF's in NYS are employees, since the depts are requird to provide workers comp. That is how they can enforce the OSHA standards on them.

    If I can find it (I have it written somewhere) I will post it.

    I could be wrong but my recollection was some wording that made some things are applied like they are employees but they do not meet the definition in all cases. One is for the purpose of applying the fire Brigade Standard, PESH considers volunteers employees. Probably they are truly a hybrid.

  4. I've been told that DC911 center will only dispatch FAST teams on mutual aid from Departments that have "Qualified FAST teams". Not sure whether or not this is true. This would cut down the pool of Departments available if this is the case. Either way you peel back the onion the RIT/FAST needs to be established ASAP and it does not matter if they have been to State FAST training. I don't think that someone would be checking for fast cards at the front door of the fire building.

    Actually DC911 will dispatch only FASTeams they know about. They do not qualify or ask. They do have a CAD listing of identified FAST. If you say you have a FASTeam, they will list it.

    I will say I do agree that all FF's need to be trained and refreshed so the FASTeam should be moot, just a request for XYZ department for FAST Operations and the closest is sent.

  5. NYS Dept of Labor child labor laws prohibited occupations worker protection for workers under age 18.

    Not to split hairs but Interior qualified as to whose standard. This is determined by the Department. To meet the definition of a Volunteer Firefighter by NYS DOL, 15 hours of initial training needs to be taken and 8 hours of refresher!!!! This is not a typo!!!! If the Department meets the 15 hours of training of a member, then they can cut them loose as an interior FF. This as all know is woefully inadequate but that is what is written as was determined by DOL using OSHA 1910.156 as it's guide. At the same time they determined a Career member is 229 initial and 100 refresher (WTF). Do you see the problem!!!

    A member taken training and meeting prerequisites to take FAST classes does not violate DOL laws as they apply to 16/17 year olds. I agree that 16/17 year olds can not be placed into the situation that is dangerous but training is a different animal.

  6. DC Pells,

    Knowledge, Skills and Experience must count for something chief. Lets say that the intent here was good and Unionvale just wanted to train some up and coming firefighters, don't you think that sending Firefighters this young to FAST training while other Departments in the county needed FAST training just to establish their FAST team and had to wait merits asking what the heck!!! In the military we end up with very young Soldiers, we spend most of our time training the "new guy" on the art of the job. We don't put him on point still wet behind the ears. We put the skilled warrior out front on point with the experience and knowledge to get the job done safely. Through coaching, mentoring and teaching you build probie skills to prepare them for the job. No disrespect intended to those motivated 16 year old firefighters, but to be a trained FAST team member requires more then a state course to to make one, the course only adds some more tools (skills) to the tool box.

    I won't argue with you in the instance of a Department being conscientious on who should go. IMO, more experienced members should be allowed over younger members where the need and experience would be more beneficial. However, not all Departments do this and though not right, if they are a member then nothing can be done about it. If they are Explorers, that is something that can be addressed. A 16/17 year old member should concentrate on the basics. I've seen to many members accelerate through because they are short manpower and the members are not ready. Add the immaturity of someone 16/17 and it is a disaster waiting to happen.

    FD's need to better police and manage their members so these situations do not occur. But as you know, this does not happen.

  7. Chief,

    I have to say that stranger things have happened. I just spoke with another firefighter close to Uniovale on the phone who claimed it was in fact the case. I asked if maybe it was FF survival they were talking about vs FAST, they said no its FAST training. Maybe a few questions sent the DC911 center might lead to some answers, or maybe not if in fact as you stated that someone might have falsified some documents. Either way it seems that the Departments around the northeast corner of Dutchess County feel they have been short changed by those making the call on who gets slots from the DC911 center. They might want to take a look at the County requirement and make sure they provide the slots for there departments so they can meet said county standard.

    I will discuss this with CC9 and CC1 if needed. Under no circumstance, should an explorer/venturer etc. take County classes and use County hours since they do not belong to an organized fire department.

  8. I was told that many Departments in Dutchess County could not get the FAST team training from the State due to class size. A Firefighter from Millerton in 2008-2009 said to me that they were denied slots while Uniovale sent Explorers to FAST training using County slots. If true why send Explorers who cannot enter the building to save a brother in trouble. It might be that those making policy in Dutchess need to do some QC of who goes to FAST training so all Departments can establish teams to meet Dutchess County requirement (If Dutchess requires it).

    I was taught that 2 in 2 out is the standard, all bets are off if you have someone hanging from the window ready to go. 2 in 2 out still needs to happen whether or not you have FAST trained firefighters. Take senior Firefighters and train them, assign them but most important make it happen on the fire ground upon arrival. Its your a--! if you get hung up. Stay Safe!

    Being that Explorers are NOT members of a Fire Company/District, I find this hard to believe unless someone falsified documentation as to having physicals and SCBA certified.

    This can have serious implications as the restrictions to a true Explorer are numerous let alone them not being covered by a Company/District that they do not belong to.

    Also a reminder that PESH has started that the pump operator cannot abandon their position so it is two in and 3 out in NY.

  9. COP uses Fairview almost exclusively but that may change in the near future. Arlington and New Hamburg both have FAST teams. We use Pleasant Valley as primary in the north end with COP and New Hamburg as backups. We use New Hamburg as primary in the south end with COP and PV as backups. We are normally called if Fairview goes to work in COP. I have only heard Highland with apparatus to Clover Street on a 3rd alarm for COP. Don't recall them being called for FAST (not saying they were not).

    As far as Hughsonville going to Highland, who knows, they might have been specified or managed because of the incident load at the time.

  10. New Hamburgh and Arlington do not have FAST Teams, Fairview is one Station and City of poughkeepsie would need major back up to cover thier station that gets stripped. Also Hughsonville is right near Rt. 9 so it will take 15-20 min to get thier and I believe it was a ack up FAST Team not the primary, I could be wrong. City Of Poughkeepsie uses Highland FAST Team Over Fairview sometimes, because Fairview is operating as a back up engine or ladder. Its the same with City of Beacon useing Pleasent Valley Tanker this weekend East Fishkill and Glenham are way closer. Dont wanna strip your fellow departments.


    You may want to check your information as most of it is wrong.

  11. Wait a minute. A little clarification Chief- for purposes of the 2 in-2 out rule, I think what you are saying is that the pump operator cannot count toward the total, correct? I know it's splitting hairs, but then has it also been interpreted that the pump operator is not to leave the pump panel for other duties either, even if they are exterior to the fire structure? Not trying to trap you with the law, just legitimately interested in exactly how the law is interpreted in practice. Thanks.

    That is right. PESH stated early on that the pump operator could not be considered one of the two out. Remeber that they are the "rescue" team and PESH feels it is not a position that can be abandoned. I will look and see if I can find the paper.

    fireguy43 likes this

  12. You are absolutely correct that departments need to comply with 2 in/out. However, it doesn't need to be a RIT team. So if the RIT team is put to work, and other non RIT firefighting personnel are onscene then the standard is met. Personally, I believe that the second RIT should be onscene before the first RIT goes to work as a dedicated RIT team is best qualified to effect a rescue.

    Procedures for interior structural firefighting. In addition to the requirements set forth under paragraph (g)(3), in interior structural fires, the employer shall ensure that:


    At least two employees enter the IDLH atmosphere and remain in visual or voice contact with one another at all times;


    At least two employees are located outside the IDLH atmosphere; and


    All employees engaged in interior structural firefighting use SCBAs.

    Note 1 to paragraph (g): One of the two individuals located outside the IDLH atmosphere may be assigned to an additional role, such as incident commander in charge of the emergency or safety officer, so long as this individual is able to perform assistance or rescue activities without jeopardizing the safety or health of any firefighter working at the incident.

    Note 2 to paragraph (g): Nothing in this section is meant to preclude firefighters from performing emergency rescue activities before an entire team has assembled.

    Just a note. NY PESH is our agency that covers the OSHA law. They have made the decision that the pump operator can not be abandoned (contrary to note 1 paragraph (g))so in NY it is actually 2 in and 3 out.