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Posts posted by GoDucks23

  1. Great Job Arlington! As a resident of the Arlington Fire District i could not feel more safe and more confident in their services. Both the career and volunteer sides (though they may squabble at times and have their issues with one another) work very well together once the bell rings. At least from what i can see as a civilian. Their response times and the manpower is 2nd to none in the area in my opinion and I have no issues with the taxes that i pay for their services. I sleep good at night knowing what crew is out their to answer the call should the need arise. So again great job and keep on doing what you do!

  2. For all you FIOS fans, just wait till the bill changes after the first year. You think cablevision prices were bad, FIOS will give you a heart attack. All I can say is that there is no way you can try and charge extra for something if you offer on the internet for free. These idiots are going to end up like all of the newspaper companies that keep laying off employees cause paper sales are down. Like the old saying goes, why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free. If you want to watch the oscars tonight, go online and enjoy. However if we lost the full range of channels which included all of the ESPN's then Direct TV would have been my first choice within a day. But honestly who cares about Oprah, Lost, and so on....

    Channel 7 will be back within three days.

  3. Ok, all I did was ask a question. I really didnt mean to start a huge thread or a big pissing match. I was just wondering what the reasoning beyond it was. I was a simple question. And as for this whole reputation ranking thing on the site, I am just curious why I am at negative now for asking a question? I guess I now know my lesson and that is to not ask questions and your rep will never be impacted up or down. I do want to say thanks to the Chief from Highland for answering the question. He didnt have to but he did and I appreciate it.

  4. ok due to that marlboro is the 2ed in fast team to highland and milton is first milton had a house fire at the same time and marlboro was at that fire also plattakill had a fire at the same time so now you have 3 big fires going on tying up all dept. in the area and if a 4th were to come in im sure companys like the c.o.p and arlington would be going to it was set up awhile ago for hughsonville to go to highland if the first 2 are put to work in this case neather one was able to go and from what im told there was already a differnt fast team there and got put to work and really if you wana know a true answer we can all write what we think what we here and now but if it eans that much call highland hose company and ask for the chief car 31 and ask him and if he wonts to tell you y im sure he will or does it really matter r we going to lose sleep over what truck goes where what fast team goes to who if it means that much to the people call and ask the chief

    Easy on the sarcasm bro. I was simply asking a question.

  5. Can someone explain to me why Hughsonville would be the second due fast team to Highland? What about City Of Pok, Fairview, Arlington, New Hamburgh or even Kingston could be there in 10 minutes with a quick trip down the thruway. I understand Marlboro is the first due and if they are not available Hughsonville is next? That is absolutey ridiculous, I understand the whole concept of not taking away all resources from the airway but isnt the Fast Team a very important team that is needed at the scene. I am sure that if you took one of the other teams that is much closer it would not have hurt the areas. I could be wrong about this but it just seems to me that having a department come from 20 minutes away is a little bit much. Just my opinion and I could be way off base but maybe someone can explain. And before anyone gets all pissed I am not bad mouthing Hughsonville by anymeans. They were called and they responded and they are just doing what they were asked to do.

  6. Does anyone know what is going on out at Pine Plains high school. Pojo news says school is on lockdown due to a very fluid situation and that police have a perimeter set up around the school. I have also heard Pine Plains and Milan FD get put on stand by with some county cars are also going out to be on stand by at Pine Plains fire house. I have some friend with family there and I am just curious as to what is going on. If people know but due to the situation cant say then I completely understand and we will wait for more info to be released.

  7. Thats not the boat I was talking about. I thought they had one of those jetski boats that looked like two jet skis side by side with a platform in the middle. I remember seeing it on their website and in their lot and within a year it was gone. The boat they have now is real nice, my only question is, is Chelsea going to have access to this boat as well considering it is alot closer to them and is docked in their district?

  8. Anyone have a list of all departments on scene and on stand by? I know New Hamburg had a rig stationed a village of fishkill and I could see village of wappingers ladder was on scene in the video on pojonews. Which means there were some depts. from pretty far away at this. I could see the smoke while I was leaving work from 55 near Arlington Headquarters and again from the galleria mall.

  9. Does anyone know what happened in Red Oaks Mill yesterday around 6p.m.? I got a phone call from a relative saying that vassar road and spackenkill roads were blocked off from the main intersection right in the middle of Red oaks. As well as numerous police units in the area of minetti drive. They also told me they could hear people talking over what sounded like a PA system but could not understand what they were saying. I am assuming that if it didnt make the incident alert on here then it was nothing major and it wasnt in the paper. Just curious as to what may have happened.

  10. Actually they do pay higher rates. Its not a whole lot but its enough. My cousin is an assistant chief for his department and uses his personal vehicle as his chiefs car with teh lights and sirens provided by the FD. If the car is registered properly it not only needs a new york state inspection it also needs the same inspection that an ambulance, fly car, fire eng. etc.. needs to make sure that it is safe and meets all emergency vehicle dot regs. I am not sure what the exact name of that inspections is. However if it is not done properly and you dont get that inspection and dont tell your insurance company what you are using your vehicle for there can be alot of trouble if something happens. You can be dropped and not covered by your insurance compay since you did not tell them the extra (possible ) hazards that you face when responding code to an alarm. Also you can be sued as well as the department if the insurance company does not cover the damages and injuries due to you not telling them and haveing the proper inspection. Now I know his department does repay for milage incurred while being used in department functions. He needs to keep track of milage best as possible when going to alarms, drill locations, etc... andthen at the end of the year they pay for that milage. Some companies choose to have them use personal vehicles for chiefs and deal with the standards required by DOT. Others choose to give their chiefs vehicles to make sure everything is up to proper standards at all times and all equipment a chief needs is there at all times. I dont personally have a problem with either or where a chief takes his vehicle as long as some shows up to help me if god forbid I should ever need.

    Dont forget someone my get voted in as cheif due to their knowlegde and outstanding abilities but they may drive a toyota prius. You want to tell me how he is going to fit all his gear, med bags, IC boards, books, lights and sirens. Understand its not all needed to get the job done, but it would be a great asset to be able to have that stuff with you when you needed it.

    Just my two cents which really dont mean much since I am not a member anywhere. But its what I see and what I think.

  11. What is going on in Poughkeepsie lately. Shootings, fights, stabbings, etc...

    Something really needs to be done and the public really needs to start assisting the police instead of everyone keeping quite! From what i have been told lately, there has been more violent crimes in the city then in Newburgh and Kingston combined over the past year. The city is such a great place and has been for many years yet these punks are bringing it down and bringing it down fast. Not to mention that the understaffed police and fire are being expected to handle all of this. I really feel bad for the Mayor having been elected when all of this started and now it just seems like it is snowballing out of control. Now he needs to step up and this may be the perfect time for him to instate some expansion in the police and fire sectors to help control this and take care of the people that need it.

  12. Anyone have any info on teh large fight in the city today with a 10-1 called in. All I heard was alot of police units from numerous agencies heading to a 10-13 large fight in progress near White street. Is the officer ok? Was there any serious injuries? I havent seen anything on the pojo news site nor on here so wasnt sure if it really was anything.

  13. I have been hearing some rumblings of a large fight at one of the bars that evening between three departments(mutual aid departments to one another) located at that area of the county. Heard it included some high ranking officers in those departments as well with a few arrests. I saw a ton of cops fly past my relatives house that night heading straight into the village and when I say flying they were moving real good. Anyone know if there is any truth to this. If so that is a shame cause now mutual aid is going to become that much more unsafe in that area as it already is with departments not utilizing one another like they should due to anymosity between them already and most of all an embarrassment to each of the companies involved