Dr. Zuki

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Posts posted by Dr. Zuki

  1. [They also filmed in Yonkers at the Tyrone House bar at the bottom of Main Street opposite the Post Office and in the City Hall courtroom which is used by numerous productions from films to TV's Dateline. Anybody know if they shot anywhere else in Yonkers besides Fire HQ?

  2. Steve,

    FYI: It's relatively simple for you and/or anybody else to make an application for landmarking of YFD HQ to the city landmarks review Board which has done this process for several buildings in Yonkers this year alone. The most recent of which is the old power plant at the bottom of Glenwood Avenue at the Hudson River.

    I hope Station 10 on Saw Mill River Road is landmarked. Would be a sin to demolish it if that fire company moves to Tuckahoe Road, Ridge Hill or wherever the rumor of the week is.

    And who knows? As the area changes, maybe the old HQ will be sold and converted to some other use, be it residential or commercial. That don't build 'em like that anymore, that's for sure !! Will bet anybody $1000.00 right here that the stadium nearby is never, ever, built.

  3. Google "New York State Committee on Open Government" and you'll see the prinatble letter needed to submit you request for the 9-11 tapes. Send it to the FDNY Commissioner's office. Good idea to also look at the advisory opinions on the above web page. Importnat to know that it's illegal for anybody to ask you why you want access toi any public documents. And this does occur --for shame--too often. Also see if you can get the Journal News series about the Freedom of Information Law expose done several months back.

  4. Google "New York State Committee on Open Government" for the form letter needed to make your request and then send it to the FDNY Commissioner's office.

    Note that under this law, it's illegal for them to even ask why you want the documents. I am guessing that the tapes are already on the net somewhere and will soon be for sale on Ebay. A public librbary might even purchase the CD for either reference or circulation purposes.

  5. Do a Google search under "New York State Committe on Open Government" and you can download the Freedom of Information Request letter. Then call the FDNY and ask who their Public Records Access Officer is so you cna mail your request. They can legally charge you 25 cents per page, don't know about charges for the CD of the tapes. But, I would guess this stuff will be on Ebay sooner or later.

    Maybe some public libraries will have the CD ????

  6. Ho Ho Chinese Food on Bronx River Road, Yonkers just below Midland Avenue-Broad Street interesection. The egg rolls are big, and fat--the way they all used to be. Place has such good food they have three cash registers going.

  7. P.S.--There's a signed 8 x 10 of Palladino on display in Gino's Pizzeria over here on Pondfield Road West, along with one of the owner's daughter Erika Vetrini from "The Apprentice" and "Tony Danza Show."

    But I wish more Yonkers cops and firemen would move in around here instead of upcounty.

    Stay Cool

  8. P.S--The former amory building has been refurbished and occupied by the YPD Youth Division and PAL has a great, big facility there. Their former building on Alexander Street opposite the City Jail ( Hilton on the Hudson) was demolished for waterfront development.The National Guard remains next store in a newly constructed building. Complete gridlock in the morning and afternoon. A poor location for any fire fighters.

  9. R3,

    The Armory site will never become available from the Feds. Post Sept 11th, who would want to lose the National Guard here anyway? Not me. And it's too congested to navigate rigs out of there in a hurry. The best site for a new hq and training facility is the exisitng one. The city could condemn the adjoining properties at the corner of Elm Street. After razing the exisiting HQ., a new one can be built. Not sure how much space is needed for the training facility. Will bet anybody $1000.00 that the stadium is never, ever built.

    Will try asking Amicone about this whole thing, but it's a tight lipped, secretive administraton.So then, Station 10 will be relocated in addition to housing rigs at Ridge Hill????

    Stay cool this weekend.

  10. Heard, unconfirmed, that Pagano wants to use the city water works property on Tuckahoe Road, near the Sprain Pkwy, for the new fire company. Or is it just Station 10 being relocated? I will ask Amicone at the next community forum about the new fire hq and training facility. Will it still be built if the stadium isn't? Where will it be located? They will likely have to acquire land somewhere in southwest Yonkers, not only for this, but their new high school, elementary school and city jail. Yes, the judge signed off on the new schools to reduce the costs of busing.The only sizeable vacant city land is the old city garage site on Downing Street.

  11. The Radio Shack adapter that cost $22.00 is well worth it. Got it for my BC785 after the one supplied with the scanner kept falling out of the wall. It was very poorly designed and burned out anyway. The Rat Shack one doesn't even require the three prong adpater either and the bulk of the adapter is located in the middle of the cord. Brillantly designed.Uniden should do better..

  12. Saw a city bid notice appearing both yesterday and last Friday seeking architectural and design services for detention center. Does this mean a new city jail is being designed? The wording of this doesn't sound like rehabilitation of the existing facility which likely will be replaced when the massive Alexander Street development occurs very soon---1500 units of luxury housing, etc. Truck 4 help me on this one.

    Stay Cool.