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Posts posted by PVFD113

  1. tonight was the last night... trophies went as followed:

    Best Overall- Ossining

    Best Ambulance corp- Putnam Valley VAC

    Best Ambulance- Croton

    Best Non-firematic color guard- Put Valley VAC

    Best Firematic color guard- ???

    Best Non Regulation Uniform- Putnam Valley FD

    Best Regulation Uniform-Lake Mohegan

    Best Antquie- Mohegan

    Best Pumper- Croton

    Best Rescue- Croton

    Best Ariel- Ossining

    Best Chiefs Car--Putnam Valley FD (24-1-3)

    Best Musical unit- Tarrytown VFW

    Best musical Color Guard- Tarrytown VFW

    i am missing a bunch i was walking around trying to get some things in order being as usual we had a RAIN DAY yesterday. thanks for the ginks xchief2x...just kidding...Thanks for all that showed up and gave us support. hope fully i will see some of u tomarrow in croton for the street fair.. for those intreased Croton parade starts at 1. SUMMERFEST!!!!!!!!!!

  2. "Proudly Volunteering Since....." Where have I seen that before--oh wait--that is on the last new piece they got as well--no--no just there--think I saw it some where else--hmmmmm--

    Seriously though--best of luck with the 48 Truck. It will make a fine addition to your fleet along with Tower Ladder 18.


  3. I am not really in favor of the widening aspect BUT I am in favor of the repairs and some reconstruction. There are some spots of the road that are basically falling off in a matter of speaking. This is a hazard for anyone who drives this road and a bigger problem for fire apparatus, and other municipal vehicles. Raising the speed limit is not the answer nor is 8 foot shoulders. Fixing what is there will do just fine. The bridges do need to be replaced and some of the turns widened or straightened but in a more "neighbor friendly" way. I too live off PHR and can agree that the average speed is 15 or so MPH over the posted limit and people do drive it like the autobahn. Maybe some V & T enforcement would help?

  4. We still Have II's, III's and IV's in service, but gradually they are all being phased out in favor of the V's.

    As we do also. The II's are the best pager made as far as reception. We have a tough area to cover as far as RF goes. I send out all the pagers to various outfits for repair. I am on the cusp of no longer repairing the III's as we all agree--they are JUNK. Motorola had different "groups" building the III's, and IV's. The II's and V's are built by the radio group--which is why the V's are a better product than the 2 predecessor. I will be taking advantage of the next buy back offer from Motorola to dump our III's though.

  5. Lucky indeed. The problem is with some of these ISP's, is they are too cheap to provide their teaches with the best training possible, and when you're installing things in a residential setting, bear in mind its someones house. Verizon could see themselves with a nice lawsuit, if god forbid the house burned to the ground.

    Speaking from experience, this is not always true. I have been on the communications field since 1990. Back then Bell Atlantic (NY Tel. NYNEX whatever) had a full training session before you were released--even as a temp employee. When I changed jobs to the Broadband side (well cable then) there was also an extensive training class. I can specifically remember being taught to look at both sides before drilling. Actually--was taught to drill from inside out after checking. Yes accidents happen. They can also be prevented or at least minimized. Use a tape measure and a "landmark". I know this is off topic--sorry. Most of the time it is laziness or not paying attention that causes this. At least the tech didn't keep going or try to hide it. Seen that too.

    And for the record--yes I had a mishap as a young lad. Trying to rush and cut corners and caught the very edge of a service cable--my fault.

    Anyway--just my $.02

  6. Although I am not totally familiar with all of the SFD apparatus--I did notice on this one the catchy little phrase on the side under the department name. How long have you been using that? I have not noticed it on any other peices. Sounds silly--but I do have my reasons for asking.


  7. There's no real better way for me to put this - I hate the LOSAP system.

    It has resulted in more headaches then anything else since we got it. People are almost to the point of putting a sign-in sheet on a casket at a funeral to get their damn point! The real members out there know who they are and the officers know who they are too, and that's all that matters when the pager goes off. All these low-lives that are in it for the payback can quit and find something else to scam from as far as I am concerned!

    I was hesitant to post here at all. My feelings were expressed in other's posts a lot of the time anyway. I definitely have to agree with John on the LOSAP issue. I understand why it is there. I know it was created with the right mindset but in a lot of ways--it is destroying us. I am sure we all have our "pointers". Get a good start from Jan. until March or so, disappear for a while--maybe pick up an easy point or so, then come back October/November to make up the balance of what they need for the year. Ughhh--it is so frustrating.

    I believe the saying goes--"Pride is my paycheck"

  8. I see you keep up with things--good for you. I used to be up on all the latest and greatest. I am good with what we have now but can't dedicate anymore time to go any further on expanding my radio "stuff" library. When I complete my term I plan on getting back into it though. So for now-- I know just who to reach out to for the answer--LOL

  9. Lets hope we all have the $500.00 3 yr subscription licenses first.

    W/o going to deep into it

    What what what what what.......................Writing a NON original cpg into a different radio can be dangerous (unless your cloning.) But even if your cloning or doing what your talking about, both radios (or codeplug files) must be programmed with the same software version, must have the same firmware version and must have the same model number or it will brick when it loads. If you don't know what your doing, and you mess up something, you got yourself a nice paper weight or a door stop (aka "brick") Resulting in shipping fees to the big M, $300.00 just for the big M to hold it and more $$$$$ just for them to look at it and more $$$$ for them to fix it then send it back. *Unless you know somebody, who knows what they are doing to save you from spending alot of $$$$ just to get it looked at. :D

    Make sure you save the tuning data (with the global tuning)

    You can not create a codeplug out of thin air with the software to program the radio (cps). You can load a archived cpg file and play around with it though, until your read to write it to the radio.

    So I've been told. :)

    I am aware of how to operate and program the radio's--believe me. I may not know everything about every radio BUT I do know the HT's and am very familiar with the in/outs , pro and cons of them as well as the software. My program came with a default program and I built off of that so--yes I can set up a codeplug from nothing.

    I did have an issue putting an old program into a new radio but found a way around it. So I understand your concern--but think you are over exaggerating a little. Unless of course you work for a Motorola dealer--LOL My question is more in the lines of where did he get the cable and software??? All of the blunders I made while experimenting have never resulted in bricking a radio. Is that something more in line with the XTS line?

  10. I was wondering if any one had a codeplug for a UHF HT1250 they can email me, its the non-ls version.

    What exactly are you looking for? The codeplug as in the program in the radio or the software to program the radio? I have around 100 or so different programs (codeplugs) between low, high, and UHF.

  11. Thanks, I knew that. I had too many frequencies on my mind, lol. I was thinking of 154.44500, but it seems that it is Town Of Newington, CT. We need a listing of equipment and frequencies on here. Cough cough, hint, hint. Thanks all, always a big help anytime.


    If I am not mistaken, RWC130 had started a list a while back. Look him up and look through his posts--or PM him for the link.

  12. If it is safer to have the straps to prevent that massive SCBA to go flying if the rig is involved in an accident, then I will take that extra 5 seconds to make sure that the lanyard system is working correctly. It is the same principle as the helmet holders in the cabs, its going to create a few less dangerous projectiles in the back of the rig. Fire fighting is dangerous enough as it is....there is absolutely no reason why you should not be as safe as can be.

    And who cares if it is different or inconvenient. I'm sure that they thought SCBAs, enclosed cabs, PASS alarms and seat belts were too different to work in initially, yet there use and function have been proved times and time again.

    We should not have to be discussing the merits of having less, unrestrained flying objects in rig.

    P.S. Great Looking Engine....looks very well laid out and functional. When is delivery expected?

    Was put in service Saturday the 29th. The layout of the equipment was done in house--by us. We gad the manufacturer install the PacTrac during construction and we installed the mounts and alike when it came in.

    Thank You to everyone for their kind comments.

  13. How much of a pain in the a-- can pulling a string be? You have to take the pack out of the bracket to check it properly, don't you? So what's one more string? And how hard is it for the guy or gal sitting in the seat to pull the string to get the pack out at a call? As long as they stay calm there should be no issues...

    Now see--there is logic. Although--the "string" may seem to be a pain in the rear to some--if you keep your cool and wits about you it does not post an issue. The straps will however keep the pack from flying around the cab in the --God for bid--event of an accident--possibly saving you or someone else's life. And obviously there have been some issue's or what not and they have been answered by the newer and more "ergonomic" brackets. If the straps are put on correctly, and the lanyard is properly kept within easy reach--there really should be no issue.