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Everything posted by TimesUp

  1. Please tell probies are'nt being taught its ok to get cats off roofs. Even if theres a crowd you wan't to empress for good P.R. All they'll end up seeing is you chase a cat off a roof...Thump! Don't tie up your rig for this either. Fires come in at the weirdest times, you don't want to be the guy trying to load up ladders while a mile away some lady is hanging out a window. Sorry you had to jump, I was busy trying to get a cat off a roof. This is where disipline comes into play. You might want to show everybody you can get the cat, but then you realize its a bad idea........But go ahead and throw some cat food up there. Just take it out of the can first, would'ent want to hit the old lady in the head with that.
  2. Sending a firefighter up onto a roof to get a cat? Real bad idea. The cat will get down when its hungry enough, it won't sit there and starve to death. How would you explain to that firefighters family that he broke his neck for a cat on a roof.
  3. Give a quick report so incoming Co's have a heads up. ( pretty much the scenario as above) 1st due engine better get the line in place to protect the stairs. You might need them If you can't get the stick or the bucket to the victims. Then push in on fire. 1st due truck better get the victim. Start the stick towards victims, if thats not gonna work start up the stairs and get them. All sort of variables can be thrown at you. Get up the fire ecscape to make the apt. or the one next to it then through the wall. Hopefully the Chief will be on scene shortly and a second line will be operating soon. If theres enough manpower have a guy stay outside and persuade the victims not to jump, also ask how many are up there. If they do jump you can then tell the guys to stop trying to make the apartment. The IC should see what progress has been made when he gets on scene. Are the victims out. If not why? If the fire is not darkening down see if we can get another line in there. If the stick can't reach the victim have the second due try from another position. Like from the rear. Also if the first line is making progress maybe we can leave the occupents in place. As for all the other variables,? This was for ordinary construction.
  4. What ever happened to the old fashioned way. Study hard and train hard. Stop relying on extra points. Shoot for 100/100 on both parts of any test. This way you'll always be at the top of any list and very reachable. Even if others recieved some point advantage. Good luck on any test you may be taking. Just to add..I recieved vets points. But I was'nt going to let that make or brake my grade.
  5. Oh man...somebody's gonna get a demerit......How dare you have an unpopular opinion!
  6. Well Put Capt415, I could'nt agree with you more! It will make things safer for the F.F.'s and the Public. The only person who won't want it back in service is the Mayor. God only knows what he's thinking.
  7. So you hire 2 guys tell them to clean the fire house and if an alarm comes in to respond? Sounds like these guys are paid firefighters. But they're not covered as such(207a) in case they get hurt or killed in the line of duty. The Department saw a need to have the firehouse staffed. This makes sense, it will equate into a faster response of the rigs. Thus protecting the public that much better. Nothing wrong with that! So now that you have a need why don't you address it the right way and stop sneaking in guys under other titles to do the job. After all we're talking about protecting life. That should always be your first priority. The only thing wrong here is the round about way some depatments will go to staff their firehouse. Also how some guys are worried about their departments hiring paid firefighters. This is'ent a "paid vs volley" situation.
  8. One more thing. When you start pulling more engines to a call to make up for manning cuts on the first due co's the you end up taking those engines out of their E.M.S. response area. Now you have to deal with the delay of treatment to sick or injured persons. Thats how Cassidy can say the cuts cause deaths in relation to E.M.S. calls. The trickle down effect.
  9. Manning cuts means more work for the guys on scene. Fatigue sets in sooner on these guys. Now the likelyhood for injury goes up! So why not believe that the manning cuts causes an increase in Firefighter injurys. They can call other units to make up for the cuts, but they take time to get there. We know what that means.