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Posts posted by TimesUp

  1. How long will it take for a VFD to respond if there is a life in danger? Can the life that is in danger wait for a VFD to respond on mutual aid? Its the first five or six minutes on scene that are most crucial when it comes to life. I'm not knocking any of the surrounding VFD's I just wouldn't want any of the decision makers thinking they can protect their citizens with mutual aid. Houses might be saved but lives could be lost.

  2. If done correctly a report from the first due is a great help. Then there's the " Eng, xx 10-84 nothing showing" only to followed up 4 minutes later by" Eng.xx to dispatch heavy smoke on the 6th floor". If you can and there is some important information that will help incoming companys then it should be relayed. This goes for special instructions as well. I've seen it when relaying a lot of ordinary information leads to confusion and only ties up the radio. Giving special instructions for things that are automatically done anyway is one thing I would say is ordinary. You might have a different idea of ordinary. Or this might not happen where you work. S.O.P's come into play when relaying "special instructions"

  3. I don't think anybody here has said that they did (Emerald Society).

    Gamwell your comparisons of these to organizations falls short. When it comes down to it you know little about either. You are entitled to your opinion. Although in this case it seems you don't have the right information to back it up. Except to say that they are both organizations. With totally different agendas. By the way its O.K. to have an agenda as long as it doesn't screw somebody out of a job or promotion. The Emerald society plays no role in any departments hiring or promotion process.

  4. Key word here: "supposed". Racial/ethnic discrimination still goes on (not just in NY, but around the nation) in various forms whether you want to admit it or not.

    The Vulcans are allowed because other groups such as the Emerald Society, Columbia Association, etc are allowed to exist.

    I've been following this thread since its inception and its too bad its evolved to this point because in all honesty, its starting to become an embarassment.

    In my opinion, I think its time to close it as it outlived its usefulness a long time ago.

    Gamwell you couldn't be any further off when you compare the Emerald society to the Vulcans. The Emerald society doesn't have a court ordered decree as to The Hiring practices for any fire dept. as does the vulcans. The most they have in common is they are both organizations. Although Its interesting that you share the same opinion as the vulcans.

    Just thought I would stop any mis-information

  5. Now I think that Andy Spano is on the right track. "Regionalizing" Special Operations Services" within the county into Districts makes absolute sense. Obviously, with the Spec Ops Equipment, Apparatus, and Tools that the Yonkers Fire Department currently has, using all of this, say under the authority of the Southern Westchester County Emergency Response Team, makes sense. You could have specific members of say, YFD, MVFD, NRFD, Eastchester, Pelham, Hastings, Dobbs Ferry, etc, ALL trained in Spec Ops (Haz Mat, Collapse, etc) and would jointly man and operated the resources needed, rather than having duplicate sets of equipment around the southern end of the county. One could even expand on this, as it relates to Mutual Aid responses, as it relates to Major Muliple Alarm Fires, falling under the domain of the Southern Westchester Emergency Response Team. This would solve some of the issues that Mount Vernon has been having. Just a thought.

    Mutual has never been a problem for Mt. Vernon. Its the manning and Companys OOS prior to the fire that is. So as far as something like this being a solution for the staffing issues, its not. But this has been brought up time and time again.