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Everything posted by ny10570

  1. Thats an absolute scam and should be stopped. But are you trying to say its only unions and the poor that are scamming the system?? Everyone is doing it. Doesn't make it right, but you have to be honest and point out fraud on all sides. Lots of unions got deep in bed with the mob. Some still are. They did a great disservice to the labor movement. But again is labor the only criminals? How many business over the years have been found to willfully allow their products or practices to hurt and kill people. How many workers lives have been sacrificed in the name of profitability? You're not casting every business with the same blankets as you're using for labor. Why? There's a lot of reasons that nurses make more. Unions will not be a quick fix. But do me a favor and look at all the work rules and safety requirements for their employers. Who do you think got nurses their training standardization, staffing minimums, workday limits, infectious disease precautions, etc. These are all union advances. You can cross that picket line, but where do you think raises come from? Do you think hospitals really give up every penny they can towards employee compensation?? The hospital administrators job, their primary responsibility is financial stability. They need that hospital to run as cheaply as humanly possible. They'd do backflips if they could hire nurses for half of what they're currently being paid. The only thing stopping them from slashing your wages and benefits are unions. The fear that the nurses will all walk out in protest and shut the hospital down. Their greed vs our greed, thats all this is about.
  2. Holy cow. I have some bad news for you Mr Metal. Are you ready? Money equals representation in our government. My 50k/ year salary does not allow me to compete with the the billionaires for political representation. So I pool what little money I can afford with other people with similar goals to advance agendas that are beneficial to me. Its why I also donate to more specific PACs that address the issues that matter to me. Politics and politicians are corrupt. Business and unions alike are feeding into the corruption in a vicious cycle that makes the average individual less and less important. So until someone fixes the problem we are all forced to participate. Those hundreds of millions the NEA spends represents millions of workers. A hand full of our corporate elite can outspend them and not even fell a hiccup in their bottom line. You're anti-union youtube clip is abysmally innacurate. American workers, union and non-union, suck at saving money. The more we make the more we spend. We also are the very same taxpayers the ad claims we're robbing. As union wages go up so do non-union wages. So everyone profits and everyone pays, but in the end we all spend and accumulate no wealth.
  3. I don't see an agency advancing the cause of the workers. Transcare is the 2nd largest employer of 911 units in NYC and they're last in employee compensation. I have never seen an industry that benefited the employees by consolidating. Bottom lines and executive bonuses all go up, but the employees usually get the shaft. Change will come once unionization spreads. I would love to see Empress employees picketing against a facility or community that chose another company over their services. I would happily join the lines and I'm sure many others would too. I really believe now is the time to push the issue. The economy is shot and now is the time to prepare for the turn around.
  4. No guarantees and there's no proof that unionizing would help anything. In the 10 years I've been in EMS, the wages have remained flat and there have been no improvements in overall compensation. So clearly the current system isn't working. All of these companies are so busy undercutting each other for these 911 and transport contracts that there has to be someone making money on this. Unionizing all of the agencies would at the very least ensure that we were making the most these companies can afford to pay us. Empress may only pay their medics 15.75, but what is their health insurance and retirement plan? Splitting the cost and matching some 401k contributions would make the compensation picture much more attractive. Similar to comparing transcare and FDNY EMS. They make more hourly, but after insurance, pension, and LOD benefits its not even close.
  5. It also depends on the current tours staffing. The 45 in the Bronx covers a huge area and at times would only have 2 cars because of different obligations to things like mobilizations and special events.
  6. Obama, Bush, Ron Paul, George Soros, the Koch Brothers, the Tea Party, OWS, etc are all doing what they do in the genuine belief that its best for this country. Saying that ANY of these people are out to ruin it shows how biased and blinded you are.
  7. Thats the best you have. I cited actual improvements enjoyed by American workers. Benefits you experience in your every day life and all you can say is unions are in bed with George Soros?!?!? Well business and conservatives are in bed with the Koch Brothers. That has so little bearing on this issue its comical. The recent payroll tax cut has more bearing than Soros or the Kochs. Hell Andrew Cuomo, the democrat is a bigger threat to NY unions than the Koch brothers yet for some reason you brought up Soros. So lets talk about Soros. He's a bleeding heart liberal and as close to socialist as you can get in a republic. He made billions as a cut throat capitalist. He shorted the UK to the tune of $10 Billion pounds. He nearly broke the Bank of England. If thats not capitalism I don;t know what is. He's widely considered the individual responsible for radically changing the way the UK handles it's international finances. Outside the US government, no one spent more money trying to turn spread democracy behind the Iron curtain. You can hate his politics, but you cannot question his love of this country and democracy. Lets not forget Warren Buffet. The man so bothered by the fact he pays a lower percentage of his income towards taxes than his secretary he published his own tax plan. Masterometal, Mr Buffett, Mr Kerry, and every other multi millionaire pays a lower percentage of their income in taxes than you and I do. They pay tax rates similar to the working poor. The math is complicated thanks to our progressive tax rate, but with zero deductions I believe you have to make just under $48,000 per year to land at %15. As the first class of the new pay scale, even I was making 50k by my second year( (yeah, I spent more time on the bus than at home, but I made it) I defy any single individual to live any kind of "American lifestyle" in NYC on 50k a year. I can be convinced of a lot of things, but a few are rock solid. Evolution, the goodness of man, the beauty of life, the greatness of love, and that someone making 60k a year being taxed at a higher PERCENTAGE than a billionaire is a F*C*I*N* crime. Social programs are debatable till the cows come home. Every single local, state, and federal regulation protecting employees is a direct result of union action. If you are so disgusted by unions I will personally pay for a one way flight to China. PLEASE call my bluff. PM me and we can be in front of a lawyer TOMORROW signing a contract guaranteeing you work in China for the next 10 years without the protection of the US government. Hell, I may even settle for you working non-union gigs in right to work states with the right concessions Sorry Masterofmetal, my weak connection has me lagging behin dyour posts. Please forgive me. You're absolutely right. They voted it down, but I thought that was 2010. From what I understand they voted it down by a land slide. I'm also aware of the misinformation campaign that run by Transcare. In the end the gist of the argument became why give a union your money when you already have union benefits. There's a lot of truth to that argument. There is nothing that the employees want that the union could guarantee. NY's strong labor history has ensured that ALL workers unionized or not receive the same major benefits. Smaller things like dental, prescription drugs, vision, and healthcare are still negotiable. God damn socialists screwing up our agenda!! Again you are acknowledging you benefit from the hard work of unions. I"m lucky, I make a lot more than most union employees. In many industries and for most union employees their dues actually have an impact on their quality of life. My monthly dues are covered in a good night out. Thats not a statement of pride. I am in many ways ashamed of my gluttonous lifestyle. Sadly, like most Americans I enjoy the indulgences my life provides. Vacations, alcohol, fine food, and ridiculous hobbies. Who would have thought Boston, a six pack of Fat Tire Ale, Swordfish, and a motorcycle would make me a glutton, but I'm living the high life this weekend.
  8. I have seen Career FDs refuse mutual aid agreements with volleys because it was not mutual. The volleys could not guarantee the same response as the paid FD so they elected to not enter into an agreement. Understandably they did not want to become the primary firefighting force for a community that was not subsidizing their budget. I am not talking about jealous "If you don't want us, then we don't want you." BS. This case was about legal ramifications concerning responses to a dept for which there was no agreement. Was this possibly the case in that scenario? Otherwise that is simple negligence and any property damage or injuries should be the subject of a civil action.
  9. I don't know MLSS from a hole in the ground, and from the past couple posts they seem like a great company. Their employees probably wouldn't benefit from unionizing if they are as good a deal as they appear. Unions are there to keep their employer honest. An honest and fair employer has nothing to worry about because the arbitrator would probably side with them in a labor dispute. When we talk unionization lets be honest. The elephant in the room is transcare. Maybe care1 or other companies are problems but no one gripes harder that transcare employees.
  10. He's another young guy that was poisoned with a bunch of half truths and bullshit concerning the worst of union activities and history. Guys like him never experienced life without health insurance, OSHA, 40hr work week, sick leave, FMLA, and pensions. All of these and many more work place norms are a direct result of unions. Unions only work when everyone sticks together. So line crossers are the lowest form of coward. You're absolutely right, unions don't pay your bills but how happy would you be working without anything I mentioned earlier?? Lots of jobs out there like that; migrant farm worker comes to mind. Good luck in your new career.
  11. Stop getting offended. Volunteer is the obvious distinction between depts that can guarantee a level of training and staffing 24/7 here in the tri-state. No one can tell me they'd rather roll the dice with a volunteer mutual aid partner than a paid dept with a guaranteed response. Its not because one is volunteer or paid, it is because of the guaranteed response. Until a volunteer dept institutes a program that guarantees a timely response with a minimum number of qualified ffs it would be reckless for any dept to chose them over a reasonably close paid dept.
  12. Incident Alert Now that its in the news... http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/firefighter-covered-flames-rescued-burning-brooklyn-brownstone-injured-article-1.993862 http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/12/19/firefighter-seriously-burned-in-house-fire-in-brooklyn/?ref=nyregion The firefighter was transported in critical condition to Cornell with burns between 40% and 60%. The Times said 40% I was told the original report was 60%. The firefighter was conscious and alert but has a long fight ahead. None of his injuries are immediately life threatening. They were on the 3rd floor when the room flashed and the firefighter was engulfed. He somehow made his way to the window and was able to get get himself out with some help. Look for a video to hit the internet soon.
  14. Gotta play tax payers advocate. SAFER grants are great when faced with a short term financial shortages. Thats a substantial gamble saying that in two years we will be able to pay the bills on the staffing provided by SAFER and if not, pay back the last two years. The union did its job in providing alternatives to the cuts. The city is responsible for long term fiscal responsibility. If they cannot afford a certain level of staffing that is their problem. It is then the responsibility of the ff to do the best they can with the staffing they have. Can't do more with less. Hopefully the taxpayers are ready for that.
  15. What is your definition of a problem employee? I can assure you their version doesn't match yours. I've recently become very well versed in the details on NYCs civil service system. Its arcane and rife with bureaucratic inefficiency. Many of these delays were not instituted to by labor to protect employees. They are used by management to make the fight as painful as possible. To encourage employees to just take the hit. When you see someone languishing for weeks they are usually waiting for management to make their next move. A example from my world, management has 18 months from an incident to file charges. The member than has 5 days to respond. Management then has another 30 days for the next hearing. We would love to expedite the process. The scum bag that will eventually be terminated with nothing to lose loves the delay. They stay on payroll and keep collecting their checks for a few more months. The good worker that is just trying to hold onto a few days of vacation being taken because of a boss with an agenda has to slog through the same wretched system. So that even when you win, in the end you lose. We all hate the system and would love to sit down and take an honest look at changing it, but the city won't do that. All of our gains in this area have come through court ordered victories.
  16. Empress has been able to function for years with a unionized work force. Just about every hospital employee is unionized. Many nursing home staffs are unionized. Its time for EMS to step out of the backwoods and take care of themselves.
  17. Why not fix the district lines. Years ago Pleasantville and Thornwood sat down and fixed several similar issues.
  18. Didn't say they were, just that they appeared to be
  19. That does appear to be extremely responsible. Thanks.
  20. Have they been prudent with their finances? Have the fire taxes stayed flat over the years or have they been going up every year? A strong membership does not mean a dept is fiscally responsible.
  21. Monty North, formerly Our Lady of Mercy has began informing employees that in 90 days they will cease ambulance operations. This is reportedly in response to the new fee the city plans to collect from hospitals for each 911 ambulance they run. Where it gets interesting is the well publicized financial problems affecting Medisys in Queens have prompted similar rumors about Jamaica Hospital. They are a major component of the EMS system and their closure would be a tremendous strain on the nearest FDNY*EMS facilities.
  22. PA needs to be scrapped IMMEDIATELY. Policing can be handled by NYPD and NJSP. Newark, JFK, and Laguardia are all covered by fully capable FDs and PDs that would have no problem providing appropriate protection. There have to be some PAPD members here. Maybe I'm missing something. Administrative savings alone would be substantial.
  23. Yeah, but what about FDs having dual role providers?
  24. Unions are there to protect the process. They defend the POS so that there is a process in place to ensure punishments are merited and fair. It is no different than why even the guiltiest cop shooting animal gets his day in court with a lawyer. As for work rules, they're negotiable with every contract. As long as the city is willing to give us something fair in return. The city gives up nothing for free. Everything has to be fought for.
  25. M'ave see if you can get your hands on the fiscal outlook report the mayor just released. I'm on my mobile and can't link it. In the FDNY's budget while pension costs go up, there's a sudden drop in 2013 of about $50 million. I don't see any other way of saving that much.