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Everything posted by ny10570

  1. So, all of these questions and many more about the plan for the Governor Malcolm Wilson Tappan Zee Bridge (Had no clue that was the full name till I slogged through this report) are available in the Environmental Impact Review. As a major recipient of Federal Highway funds as part of the last stimulus program and because of its recognition on both state and federal levels of being critical to the safety and economic viability of the tri state area, the new bridge has been fast tracked. They're expecting to have the bridge completed by 2017 assuming the current fast track continues. If they opt for the cheaper short span version construction bumps up to 5.5 years. The proposed shipping channel is wider, but the same height as the current bridge at the recommendation of the coast guard. The current bridge was not built for todays vehicle load. They acknowledge the designers were shortsighted concerning regional and technological growth. This Tapp was a 50 year bridge. Because of its critical importance this one is being designed to be a 150 year bridge. It is also being designed with a level of redundancy not present in the current structure. Two parallel spans allow the bridge to remain operational after an allision or in the event a major maintenance. The bridge is also being designed with actual shoulders. 10' on the right and 20' on the left. The 20' left shoulder allows for a dedicated emergency access lane now and potentially for the implementation or a BRT or HOV lane in the future, while still allowing emergency vehicle access. The extra space also would allow up to 7 lanes of travel in the event of a long term shut down of one span. There is also a shared use path on the north span to allow pedestrians and cyclists access across the river. The addition of a transit option today would cost up to $7 Billion for just the infrastructure. Cars and their operation are not included. The current design leaves a 40' gap and is designed "so as to not preclude addition of a transit option". The current proposal would require abut $700 Million to build the transit option spanning the two structures. The addition of BRT is $4 - 5 Billion in infrastructure costs. When looking at the long term financial plans for all of the potentially involved agencies a transit system is estimated to add an additional $19 Billion in unfunded burden for maintenance and repair over the next 25 years. The bridge in its current form at $4.64 Billion could not be built without help from the Fed. Don't get me wrong, I think it's criminal that the tri state is so dependent on cars and generally support gas taxes and the like that pay for mass transit alternatives. However were do we get the $10 Billion dollars just to build a BRT and Rail system across the river, and the $760 Million a year to fund it?
  2. Its no different than a fire of traffic incident. Unless you're getting involved with tactical medicine you stage and wait for PD to start removing victims. Then triage and transport begins.
  3. FDNY EMS, not be out done has their own subway communication system. Send the rookie back to the surface, find a pay phone, or ask transit to relay a message. Its a lovely system.
  4. This decision is simply about the right to file the claim. He may ultimately lose the case. This was just about the lower courts decision to toss the case based upon state law.
  5. If NY and NYC had maintained their regular contributions over the boom years of the 90's and early 2000's both funds would be hugely over funded. The NYCERS fund by between 20 and 30% depending on who's math you use. These funds are insolvent through mismanagement! There are absolutely abuses in the system that need to be addressed but these radical changes go so far beyond that. Absolutely in some cases municipal contributions have soared in comparison to previous years but those are intentionally misleading. In every case where I've seen such large relative increases you're comparing the smallest contributions when the fund was booming to now when they have to cover their losses. That is not a problem with the fund. It is a problem with the politicians running our governments. Dinapoli isn't up for re-election till 2014. Any pandering now is useless if the fund isn't solvent then. Since he has zero say on the legislation of a new tier he gains much more from fiscal responsibility than political favors 2 1/2 years before the election. Looking at his record shows his commitment to reigning in the budget and his willingness to oppose his fellow dems.
  6. Every time people try and write off a structure as just a vacant my immediate question is how'd the fire start? Generally when a building is boarded up the utilities are shut off.
  7. For anyone that believes pensions are the anchor dragging our economy down. Mr. Dinapolli has no vested interest in whether or not tier 6 passes. He'll be long since retired before the changes have a meaningful impact. http://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/n-y-pensions-worth-defending-article-1.1026487#ixzz1nEme7OtT
  8. The Staten Island dates have been canceled. All others are still on.
  9. Where is the wasted money? The Burns provided everything.
  10. $20 and I believe that covers both sessions. The vulcans are clearly getting help. Simply the fact that candidates that never registered with the Vulcans and only minority candidates are getting the email is proof enough for me.
  11. We survived the plague that was Italian, Irish, Chinese and every other immigrant population. Oddly enough I'm in little italy, eating dumplings, and booking my train for March 18 to Boston. I do love my immigrants.
  12. Those were all of the dates and sites in the e-mail. It was an e-mail from the vulcans.
  13. Why should be lining up behind Israel? What do we actually gain from having a democracy like Israel in the middle east? Since its creation Israel has inflamed political tensions and extrhemest rhetoric. For the billions in aide given what does it do for us? Turkey, India, Pakistan, Saudia Arabia, etc all offer military or political gains in the region. In Israel we are spending money to protect a people we essentially put there. That region has the same significance for Christians as it does Jews and Muslims. Why is there no push for a Christian state? How would we react if Mexico decided to reclaim unoccupied land within the US because long ago that land was theirs. None of this is a justification of the terror tactics utilized by Israels neighbors or any attempt to eradicate them, but I can see why they're pissed.
  14. A black candidate for the current test that has never registered with the vulcans received an e-mail with this info. What's interesting is the city insists no one has any extra info on the tests and people should not waste their money on groups or classes claiming to offer a leg up on the test. The only place he can figure the vulcans got his email is from his exam registration. So either the vulcans are taking advantage of candidates or they actually do have extra info. So in the interest of parity and equal opportunities regardless of race... Class schedules and locations are as follows: Brooklyn M.S. 35 272 MacDonough St. on the corner of Lewis Ave (A/C at Utica Ave) Lesson Plan A Monday, February 27 th – 7:00 p.m. Thursday, March 1 st – 7:00 p.m. Saturday, March 3 rd – 11:00 a.m. Lesson Plan B Monday, March 5 th – 7:00 p.m. Thursday, March 8 th – 7:00 p.m. Saturday, March 10 th – 11:00 a.m. Manhattan Taino Towers (Gym) 240 E. 123rd St. near 2nd Avenue (4/5/6 to 125th St.) Lesson Plan A Tuesday, February 28 th – 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, February 29 th – 7:00 p.m. Saturday, March 3 rd – 11:00 a.m. Lesson Plan B Monday, March 5 th – 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 6 th – 7:00 p.m. Saturday, March 10 th – 11:00 a.m. Queens M.S. 72 133-25 Guy R. Brewer Blvd Rochdale Village Lesson Plan A Wednesday, February 29 th – 7:00 p.m. Thursday, March 1 st – 7:00 p.m. Saturday, March 3 rd – 11:00 a.m. Lesson Plan B Tuesday, March 6 th – 7:00 p.m. Thursday, March 8 th – 7:00 p.m. Saturday, March 10 th – 11:00 a.m. Staten Island I.S. 49 101 Warren St. between Hill St. & Laurel Ave Lesson Plan A Tuesday, February 28 th – 7:00 p.m. Saturday, March 3 rd – 11:00 a.m. Lesson Plan B Wednesday, March 7 th – 7:00 p.m. Saturday, March 10 th – 11:00 a.m. Because there will be so much competition for this great career, a very high score on the exam is a necessity. Give yourself a leg up by taking advantage of this opportunity. Finally, please click here to let us know which tutorial you’d like to attend and give us your contact information so we can keep in touch with you about the hiring process. (Even if you don’t pick a tutorial session now, that’s ok - just show up at any tutoring site on any day.)
  15. What is the risk vs reward math on these brush fires? It seems like we attack them all with the same vigor. Are there considerations made for the long term accumulation of fire load?
  16. I am in no way saying Iran is innocent. I see this as escalation or retribution. Israel has allegedly been attacking Iranian scientists and iran responded. Why is there outrage over this?
  17. Every video this guy has posted that I've looked at so far has been a step by step guide of what not to do at a fire. Its amazing more of these aren't LODD videos.
  18. In NY, any negotiation happens with insurance carriers well before any transport and isn't all the common with EMS. Generally EMS bills and the Insurance company pays their standard rate. As long as it is a reasonable and accepted payment the EMS agency must accept it. The patient is then only responsible for their deductible or co-pay.
  19. Bump. This one needs to stay at the top.
  20. All the edits make a real timeline tough, but WTF?! That was cluster on so many levels.
  21. How is Iran any worse than Israel if it Israel that has been knocking off Iranian scientists?
  22. Here's a timely addition to this thread... Iran refuses inspections. Feb. 22 (Bloomberg) -- The United Nation’s atomic watchdog said it failed to win access to Iran’s suspected nuclear-related military base, as an Iranian general warned his country may launch a pre-emptive strike to protect its facilities. The International Atomic Energy Agency said Iran refused permission to visit the military site at Parchin during two days of talks that ended yesterday. The meetings were aimed at defusing tensions over a possible military component to the Islamic republic’s atomic program. Israel and the U.S. have said all options are on the table in ensuring Iran doesn’t acquire atomic weapons.
  23. This Rockwellian ideal of American society you have is so far beyond dead. Its not because of unions. Its capitalism. People competing with one another hard to work harder. To expand the housing market mortgage companies began including the spouses income in their calculations. Shiftless lazy workers have been around as long as there have been jobs. Its nothing new and its not going anywhere. Deal with it. Umm, that is a union except without the legal protection. Without a formal union you have none of the protection offered under state and federal labor laws. So when you guys all walk Transcare can tell you to GFY. As a union transcare would be require to either prove your demands were unreasonable or be forced to sit down and negotiate. Union dues are not just spent on lunches and extra compensation. You need labor lawyers to interpret the arcane and complex layers of applicable legislation. You need lawyers to write and interpret contracts. Running a union of a few thousand people is a full time job. If the job isn't going to offer dental or vision benefits, people can either go out on their own and buy coverage or pitch in together and buy in bulk. Now you're going to need someone that has the time and skill to manage such a fund. Want help from a politician on some legislation you're going to need to help get them elected or re-elected. I really don't think you have a complete and accurate picture of what a union provides its members. You seem to know all about the scandal and missteps, but none of the triumphs and successes. DC37 FDNY EMS's parent union was such garbage it had to be taken over by the national. Our local was so corrupt that when our previous president took over they gave up their compensation for 6 months and had to raise dues just to pay rent. Both were examples of an apathetic and uninvolved membership being taken advantage of by unscrupulous leaders. The greatest protection against this kind of graft is an active membership. You clearly agree with the idea of a union but seem to have no real first hand experience. You say these unions did nothing for you. What were they supposed to do? What did you ask for that they did not provide?
  24. Would you still take that FDNY EMS gig without all the union perks? No pension, no health insurance, no LOD benefits, and no civil service protection? Its available with Transcare and they pay more. They're constantly hiring for 911.