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  1. 298 liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in 2011 Total Runs Discussion Thread   
    But my little department is MINE. I don't want to be part of a department that is 10 times bigger and busier because I may not have enough votes to stay chief and keep my car and other perks. I like being the big fish in my little pond. Why would I want to be a medium sized fish in a big pond. Or worse a little fish in a big pond.
    I'm special in my department. I wouldn't be so special in a bigger one. :angry:
    So what if it would save the taxpayer money and give us more guys on every call. That's not why I signed up for this!
  2. 298 liked a post in a topic by gamewell45 in Verizon Strike - Local Impact   
    Labor unions are in place to improve the working conditions for employees; in some unions, training is an integral part of helping to become competent in your craft. There is no insult intended, just that those who are unionized are because they desire to have more control over their careers and terms and conditions of employment. Those who choose to work non-union are certainly within their rights; just that you go it alone and if you have an issue that comes up in the workplace or if the company decides to change the terms and conditions of your employment, you have no choice but to accept or quit.
    Those of our non-union co-workers do not have a collective voice in the workplace; instead they serve at the pleasure of the company and have no guarantees in the workplace aside from a few watered down Federal and state laws, particularly in the private sector. If they decide that your too expensive and and lay you off and hire a younger more inexpensive employee your gone no matter how good you feel you were or if they decide to terminate your retirement or medical plans and leave you with no retirement/medical plans they can legally do it and I've seen that happen before.
    As I mentioned prior in this thread, most if not all executives of corporations and/or company's have personal service agreements, which are labor contracts which spell out the terms and conditions of their employment such as benefits, pay, golden parachutes, stock options, perks, etc. Hey, these guys are not stupid, they want to protect their financial livelihood; so if management needs a contract, how come the average worker doesn't need one? Think about that for a few minutes. Would you buy a car or house without signing a contract? Why? to protect yourself financially. Labor contracts are the same thing in principal; its job security for the workers and it sets a standard of living conditions where the employee can enjoy a living wage and viable benefits package in return for supplying his/her labor to the business.
    There's more to the Verizon strike then what you read in the papers; these union Brothers and Sisters are in the fight for their lives; Verizon is only telling you what they want you to hear. And no, I don't work for Verizon either but as a union brother, their issue is my issue and I know if my union had an issue, they'd be right there beside me helping.
    Scabs are those who help to break strikes; its akin to kicking a man in the face while he's lying down and out in the dirt. They are an Anathema to every working class stiff in this country whether union or non-union; they help to ultimately lower working standards for all workers. I'd love for it to become law that each and every scab be forced to read John Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath prior to crossing a picket line. I have no respect for scabs/replacement workers no matter who much they bluster they need work. They and their ilk are a blot on labor freedom in this country.
    <end of rant>