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Posts posted by Steve

  1. Speaking as a FF from Rockland. I thing that we have a great system and something that Westchester should consider.

    There are 26 departments in Rockland (alot smaller then Westchester). The dept's are placed in alphabetical order and numbered. Each chief is dept # 1, 2 or 3. ex. 17-1 for spring valley chief of dept. Then a pumper is numbered by it's GPM. So if spring valley has a 2000 GPM pumper that unit would be 17-2000, if they had two 2000 GPM pumpers the second one would be 17-2001. Truck company are 17-Tower or 17-Quint or 17-99 for a 100 foot ladder. rescue would be 17-Rescue and so on.

  2. Yonkers (and Forrest-Rattner) will be the SOLE financial beneficiary of this project. The Town Of Greenburgh, Villages of Ardsley and Hasting will see NO financial benefit or monies from this project, or taxe moneys, yet will have a lot of the consequences of this development.

    Believe me when I tell you this. The City of Yonkers could not give a damm about the impact this would have on the above mentioned towns/villages.

  3. I recall a few years back an indepedent contractor did a study on the YFD. One of the recommendations that they made was that 10 Engine should be relocated further north on the Saw Mill River Rd area.

    Appearantly they believe that the north/west end of the city was lacking protection. I was surprised to hear of the Ridge Hill Bunker as a site. There is pretty far north and there is not much up there beside the home depot/costco and Stu Leonards

  4. I recall a few years back an indepedent contractor did a study on the YFD. One of the recommendations that they made was that 10 Engine should be relocated further north on the Saw Mill River Rd area.

    Appearantly they believe that the north/west end of the city was lacking protection. I was surprised to hear of the Ridge Hill Bunker as a site. There is pretty far north and there is not much up there beside the home depot/costco and Stu Lennards.

  5. I am a big Yankee Fan. I was very surprised to hear the fans boo Mariano Rivera, after blowing yesterdays save. I thing we are forgeting what he has done for this team over the years.

    That was like booing Paul O'Neil for being in a slump. Give me a break. [-X

  6. I heard that Sen. Chuck Schumer was at an Elmsford Fire House earlier today He was there to hold a news conference pushing the $1000,00 tax credit. =D>

    I believe that is a step in the right direction to encourage and keep people volunteering.

  7. This is not a restricted area. I have driven up there on numerous occasions. It is on private property. The guard shack is there to prevent anybody not affilated with this property from entering.

    Once you are past the guard shack you are able to drive about the property. I think you are looking into this a little bit to far.

    I dont believe the YFD has anything to hide from the general public.

  8. YonkersR3, Congratulations on a great piece of history.

    I recall at a fire on Warburton Ave. , around 1980, where a Compac/Continential engine caught on fire while operating at the box.

    Unfortunately, my memory is not that good to recall the comapny number or year of this incident.