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Everything posted by firepunk

  1. Just a general question here. Everyone knows that the small combo departments and MV have manpower issues, why isn't anyone bringing up the fact that there is a labor law and nfpa standards that are not being met here? I do not know the exact law numbers, I think it is 1910.134 and nfpa 1710. Aren't these laws applicable to this problem? If the regionaliztion takes place along the sound shore, maybe the other departments that do not have career chiefs should follow suite and create there own that would include the entire 287 corridor and points south to mamaroneck. Also in regards again to the manpower. All the larger depts including NYC cannot figure out how the small departments work. Well here you go. It is call Work harder and smarter and do more. No one are not assigned to just a back seat and perform one task and tap out. All guys go through at least 2 or 3 bottles, take a rest and go back again. No one is a truckie or a MPO, or a fast/rit member, or a nob man, or a bulk head door man, THEY ARE ALL OF THIS ROLLED UP IN ONE. That is the differnce between small and big departments. They have to get the job done with the manning that they have. They do not have the luxury of calling in additional units from within and respond with 3 or 4 per rig. I know that this statment is a little off subject but this is how they do it.
  2. Smaller locals have been fighting for years to gain adequate staffing. The best way to support them would be to attend council meetings and voice concern about it, and come out and vote for officials who are pro modernization. They don't care if you go to meetings they only care about dollars and cents COMBINATION departments; particularly as they are structured in NYS...... are dysfunctional. They place career firefighters at greater risk because they lack an adequate first response. Often there is an undercurrent of malcontentment, discontentment, and animosity. ALL career firefighters sorely need adequate staffing and operational planning. Volunteer firefighters in combo departments are many times under-trained, and are also at greater risk due to poor operational planning. This is my opinion based on my career experience. TRUTH WELL SPOKEN. A person of much less means living on the south side of The Bronx has better fire protection than the millionaire living on the south side of Bronxville; a mere two and change miles from NYC limits. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO GO OUTSIDE THAT FOR. LOOK AT MUNDY LN IN MOUNT VERNON. ONE SIDE IS FDMV THE OTHER IS FDNY. LOOK AT MOUNT TOM RD IN PELHAM MANOR AND NEW ROCHELLE. ONE MILLION DOLLAR HOUSE GETS 3 & 2 WITH 3 MEN PER AND THE OTHER GETS 2 & 1 WITH 1 PER. SAME THING IN THAT WEAVER STREET CORNER OF NEW ROCHELLE SCARSDALE AND MAMARONECK LOOK AT NEW ROCHELLE RD IN EASTCHESTER. THEY GUYS IN STATION 5 IN EASTCHESTER CANT RESPOND ACROSS THE STREET TO THE MOBIL OR THE HOUSES IN 1 BLOCK. IT IS SO SCARY HOW FIRE PROTECTION CAB BE SO DIFFERENT JUST BECAUSE YOU LIVE ACROSS THE STREET OR NEXT TO YOUR NEIGHBOR.
  3. If 1 Department existed in lower westchester, This would not be an issue! Regionalization needs to happen to eliminate this BS.
  4. I have one Question. I know that it has been posted many times but it needs to be asked. Mt Vernon had another structure fire on May 3 and now they are calling White Plains? What happened to all of the other close departments. Did Mt Vernon burn all bridges and have to keep going further North for MA? What is going to happen when 1 one our brothers is going to get hurt or killed because we had to wait for MA from 30 min away. I know when i drive to white plains from the vern it takes a good 20 min up 22 or the bronx river. when is all the political BS going to end and the unions going to step in and say enough is a enough. regionalztion needs to happen to save our lives if this is the route we are going to take to get MA from miles away. What do you think????
  5. Yes Capt you are right: What is the sense of that. You are making the wound bigger by taking 4 guys out of the vern to go to the rock. i thought new rochelle wanted at least three per rig no meet the New Rock way???? Now they having nothing. That is the scary part. But that is the way of firefighting in the sound shore. Be safe Capt
  6. Yonkers Stopped going years ago. New Rochelle and Eastchester should also stop being the 3rd due engine and truck. You are right Bnechis, the media should be aware and the residents should be aware. Where is the justifaction of building a 2.3 Mil firehouse with no vols to man the house except to hang out when they have nothing else to do which is rare. Have shiny new appartaus to have ghost riders in them. Where as the career departments are driving antiquated equipment, firehouses are falling apart IE Mount Vernon. No look at the situation: Food prices gas prices and everything else with COLA has gone through the roof. How do residents find the time to be a volunteer when they have to work all the time to pay the bills, play with there kids, do chores around the house and so on. We are in a time where it is a lot worse to be a vol especially with the new training requirements. I am not making this a paid Vs Vol issue but this is the truth and the truth hurts sometimes. You do not see me volunteering as a doctor, lawyer, CPA or stock broker. Again when I started this thread I was just asking a question about MA to the Vern. This is a sensitive subject to career and vols. I did not want this to get out of hand as it did. It amazes me that all the indians have alot things to say which make the most sence and the Chiefs do not want to here it or the big wigs. I guess that nextel commercial is the truth "If Firefighters Ran Things"
  7. So it is ok to by pass other departments that are ready willing and able. Do we bypass because of EGO'S????? the big wigs are the Chiefs, Mayors, Supervisors of Towns and FD Comissioners. As for the taxpayers complaining about the taxes. It has nothing to do with Police Fire or DPW. It is the school taxes. And I agree as a taxpayer. I do not like when the department where I live goes on MA because then I am unprotected or less protected. My tavs for FD is $600.00 a year for 4 engines 3 ladders staffed with 2 or three. If I add $200.00 more per year that would give me at least another man on each rig. i would not complain about that. i hope the consildation happens fast because one of us will get hurt!!!!!!!
  8. i must say. i am shocked that no one has responded. Did some truth come out of this and is everyone thinking who would be liable in a court of law if someone does get hurt?? Like i said i am not trying to start any waves, but this is a matter of life or death and to many big shot leaders are playing russian rollette with our lives. enough is enough. At the next district meeting this should be discussed as it pertains to every union member.
  9. I understand that. i know the mutual aid system works. I also know you have to go down the list and also if units are OOS. What about Pelham Manor, Scarsdale, Hartsdale? All three departments have Tower Ladders. pelham manor borders the vern. Hartsdale and scarsdale are much closer than white Plains. all i am saying is that if someone gets hurt or killed, God Forbid, who does the ax fall on because a department 9 miles away came and another department is a quarter mile away? the chemical fire is a perfect example. they needed ladders for outside ops. and they did not call scarsdale tower ladder, pelham manors tower ladder or yonkers.