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Everything posted by gamewell45

  1. Not really; the union could craft language and insert it into the contract that dictates that all career FF's have to be called in first before calling out the volunteers.
  2. I believe that White Plains has volunteer firefighters, but never use them, perhaps they ought to consider utilizing their volunteers in situations like this.
  3. In the meantime until this mess is resolved, can they ask for assistance from the NYSP if needed?
  4. This is preciselyl why I opted not to enter the emergency services field; there's just no money there; its a constant struggle for most of my friends who work there with no end in sight. They work there butts off for 20-30 years depending on the job and when they retire, most of them are burnt out. Too bad the public doesn't understand the value and service they provide to society; IMHO they are worth more the any CEO or politician.
  5. I'm not going to challenge or debate those who've posted otherwise because perhaps thats how their departments do business, but in my department, you show up, you'd better be fully dressed in your ppe, report to the IC , do whatever your told to do and don't even think of leaving until the trucks are back in service unless you have permission from the IC if you expect to get your point.
  6. How do they collect the benefits if they don't get the minimum required points to qualify?
  7. There's more to the fire service then Westchester County.
  8. No one can force you to receive a pension, you can't be required to file for tax breaks nor can they be compelled to buy your gas. If you or anyone else feels so strongly about it, then don't take advantage of it. Plain and simple.
  9. SUV's sound good to me.
  10. Most likely because the money has to come from somewhere and in the current economic situation we are stuck in, its highly unlikely the public would be inclined to go with it. Maybe in better times it couild fly.
  11. In landslde victory for union workers in Ohio, voters repealed Gov. Kasich's much touted anti-union laws which stripped public sector workers of their rights to collectively bargain.,0,63215.story
  12. Unlikely ever to happen.....well maybe Secretarial positions.
  13. I believe most departments have some sort of standards in place; tho' they may vary from department to department. Are suggesting a state-wide standard for all firefigthers whether paid, on-call or volunteer?
  14. Precisely; which then begs to ask, where is the money going to come from to support a fully paid or 24/7 staffed department; especially given the current economy? I think depending on a number of factors, either way you look at it, your taxes will go up and many people are not prepared to accept that at this point.
  15. The old rule of thumb: "You do the possible, the impossible will just have to wait".
  16. On a positive note, at least its two more jobs for those in EMS.
  17. You are correct. Georgia is a right-to-work state (right-to-starve) and as such is reflected in feeble strength of unions in that state. The Taft-Hartley Act of 1948 did more damage to this country then most can imagine.
  18. Thanks for posting the pictures. I might be so inclined to attend if they open it up to EMTBravo members!
  19. As long as the district has the money and is willing to make the commitment and the taxpayers are not up in arms over it, then it will be a good thing for the residents of Somers.
  20. Excellent video; thanks for posting it.
  21. Retired Portland Oregon Firefighters and Police sue city over method used to recover overpayments made to them by the city. This is what happens when the city does not follow normal procedures.
  22. To add insult to injury, the city paid out the excess money over 13 years and now wants it back within 2 1/2 years! Using that schedule will undoubtedly hurt many of the retirees who are living on fixed incomes. This is what happens when you employ incompetent administrators.
  23. Smoke signals???
  24. I'm assuming that's a national Median annual wage? I think Metro-tri-state area pays better then that in most cases?
  25. The park has been going downhill slowly since the late 1960's when Freedomland and Palisades Amusement park closed up shop. The so-called "bad element" from NYC and vicinity descended upon Playland and the entire atomsphere changed for the worse. I haven't been back there since the early 70's and most likely never will return particularly given the recent spate of events.