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Everything posted by gamewell45

  1. In my opinion, Christmas has become totally commericalized. I recall as a small child how you never saw commericals or decorations up until after the Thanksgiving Holiday's passed; now I see Christmas displays/commericals as early as the end of October. It's big business for a lot of companies.
  2. The reason many wealthy people have so much money is because they don't spend it. They tend to nickle and dime everyone to death in order to save money.
  3. Whatever changes take place will again depend on who is in office and their political leanings. I'm not sure what welfare benefits has to do with this topic or who works or who doesn't. Probably best you start a new thread?
  4. No, because SCOTUS has ruled that Christmas lights, Santa Claus and season's greetings are considered secular in nature. If you were to mount a cross or star of david or other religious symbol on the apparatus, it's quite likely that would cross the line.
  5. Taxpayers need to understand that if you want services, there comes a price tag attached to it. Those who stick their necks out to help/save others should be taken care of if they can no longer do the job due to an injury which occurs on the job or as a result of being on the job. Those who abuse the system, if caught, need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and made an example of; it's people like them who give workers in the public sector a bad name in the first place. I have no doubt that the system down the road will be reformed and depending on who is in office and their political leanings will ultimately determine what changes take place.
  6. I think you hit it right on the head. You want services you have to pay for them; the politicians are worried about having to increase taxes which would be very unpopular with the residents and quite possibly cost them in any re-election bid. Since MVFD apparently does not call in volunteer companies they are stuck between a rock and a hard place and depend on neighboring career departments for mutual aid. Not sure what the answer is; every solution seems to have its down sides.
  7. You'll just love the humidity! Best of luck in your new job!
  8. Those railroad tracks are in such horrible shape its amazing the FRA allows them to remain in service. They had a freight derailment up in Lee, MA last year because the tracks were in such horrible shape.
  9. Stamford records all incoming feeds, packages them for air, feeds them to NBC in Manhattan who in turn feeds them out to the network.
  10. I'm wondering what the Fairview Fire Department's response will be? I'm sure they'll give some sort of justification as to why they are creating this position and what the position will entail.
  11. Thank god there are other hospitals in the NY area.
  12. Play nice now.
  13. I find it hard to believe that the FF's refused to respond because they were not dispatched. I'm thinking there might be more to this then meets the eye.
  14. Since it's apparently it's an all-volunteer department; having the siren left in service would benefit the members and community due to having a redundant system in place, so if the pagers should fail, having the siren as a backup is much more desirable as opposed to using a phone net as a back-up. Hope they get the issue resolved one way or another.
  15. Out of curiousity, have you identified these departments? Or is is confined to one department?
  16. That problem can be easily fixed. Eliminate the beer at parades; serve diet soda and bottled water. If you need a drink (alcohol) hit up the local bar; its good for the local economy as well.
  17. There are "cry babies" in every type of job; not just the fire service. If they have a valid issue, address it, if not, let the tears roll down their cheeks.
  18. Granted, but they sqawk every time taxes go up. Politicians are feeling the heat over rising taxes more and more every year.
  19. The taxpayers have locked their wallets in a vault. They are not going to spend anymore money then absolutely necessary.
  20. Since everyone in here has given most of the answers that i would have given, all I can say to the rookies entering the fire service is that you get to buy coffee for all the guys at the conclusion of the alarm.
  21. Congrats Cogs; your posts are always rational and well thought out. Glad you post here.
  22. I believe New Hackensack has one full time career firefighter and one, perhaps two per diem FF to cover sick days, vacation, etc.
  23. Happy New Year to all and their families.
  24. Right-to-starve would be more accurate.