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Posts posted by vodoly

  1. IVORY i believe :o Oradell "home of the foam" They do put on a great Foaming LOL they used Cliffside Parks own Squirt to feed the foam machine Last year You have to see the little Kid's when they annouce "its time for foam Btw witch Oradell Engine Supplied the water This time in Rutherford?

  2. There will be a very special slide show by a club memeber this year I for one will enjoy it For those attending last years show the slide show will be from Chris Mickel(city of New Orleans Dist Chief)

  3. how about pulling in to a wetdown All quiet J/K I have been in a parade (NYNJ)and we were passed over in thropy so that is when we Made our noise and waved (with certain finger's to a few of the judge's) :angry: I like making the noise after the parade and partying are done (my Opinion)